
A PHP extension for working with excel. xls&xlsx

Primary LanguagePHP


A PHP extension for working with excel. xls&xlsx


git clone http://github.com/zydp/easyexcel.git

cd easyexcel


./configure  //can add the php inlcude dir use ./configure --help to get it


make install

add the "extension=easyexcel.so" to your php setup file php.ini

php -d extension=modules/easyexcel.so --re easyexcel  //Check to be sure it loads

use php -m to view the loaded module, make sure you find the module easyexcel

using example


 $e = new easyexcel("xlsx");

  //traversal xls
  $e = new easyexcel("xls");

$sheet_count = $e->SheetCount();
echo $sheet_count.PHP_EOL;

for($s = 0; $s < $sheet_count; $s++) {
  $row = $e->GetTotalRow();
  $col = $e->GetTotalCol();
  for($r = 0; $r < $row; $r++){
    for($c = 0; $c < $col; $c++){
      switch($e->GetCellType($r, $c))
        //case 0:   //TYPE_EMPTY
        case 1:     //TYPE_NUMBER
          print($e->ReadNum($r, $c)." ");
        case 2:     //TYPE_STRING
          print($e->ReadStr($r, $c)." ");
        //case 3:       //TYPE_BOOLEAN
        case 4:     //TYPE_BLANK
          print(" - ");
        //case 5:   //TYPE_ERROR
    echo PHP_EOL;


$e2 = new easyexcel("xlsx");
for($r = 0; $r < 100000; $r++){
    for($c = 0; $c < 10; $c++){
        $e2->WriteStr($r, $c, (string)$r."-".$c);
        //echo (string)$r."-".$c.PHP_EOL;

API list

LoadFile             //加载一个文件                    参数:文件名                                 返回:bool
SheetCount           //返回sheet总数                   参数:无                                    返回:int
SheetSwitch          //切换sheet                       参数:sheet下标                             返回:bool
AddSheetAndSwitchTo  //添加一张新sheet,并切换到该sheet 参数:sheet名                                返回:bool
GetSheetNameByIndex  //跟据序号获取sheet名,序号从0开始  参数:sheet下标                              返回:str
SetSheetNameByIndex  //跟据序号设置sheet名,序号从0开始  参数:sheet下标,sheet新名                   返回:bool
GetTotalRow          //获取当前sheet的总行数            参数:无                                     返回:int
GetTotalCol          //获取当前sheet总列数              参数:无                                     返回:int
GetCellType          //获取单元格数据类型               参数:row, col                               返回:CellType
ReadNum              //读取数字                        参数:row, col                               返回:int
ReadStr              //读取字符串                      参数:row, col                               返回:str
WriteNum             //写入数字                        参数:row, col, num                          返回:bool
WriteStr             //写入字符串                      参数:row, col, str                           返回:bool
IsFormula            //该单元格是否是公式               参数:row, col                               返回:bool
ReadFormula          //读取公式                        参数:row, col                               返回:str
WriteFormula         //写入公式                        参数:row, col, str                          返回:bool
SaveToFile           //保存到文件                      参数:s文件名                                 返回:bool
SetMerge             //合并单元格                      参数:rowFirst, colFirst, rowLast, colLast    返回:bool
DelMerge             //取消已合并的单元格               参数:row, col                                返回:bool
InsertRow            //插入行                          参数:rowFirst, rowLast                       返回:bool
DelRow               //删除行                          参数:rowFirst, rowLast                       返回:bool
InsertCol            //插入列                          参数:colFirst, colLast                       返回:bool
DelCol               //删除列                          参数:colFirst, colLast                       返回:bool
CopyCell             //复制单元格                      参数:rowSrc, colSrc, rowDst, colDst          返回:bool
ClearCell            //清空单元格                      参数:rowFirst, colFirst, rowLast, colLast    返回:bool
SetRowHeigh          //设置行高                        参数:row, heigh                              返回:bool
SetColWidth          //设置列宽                        参数:colFirst, colLast, width                返回:bool
RowHide              //隐藏行                          参数:row, hide->BOOL                         返回:bool
ColHide              //隐藏列                          参数:col, hide->BOOL                         返回:bool


typedef enum{
    CELLTYPE_EMPTY,        //0
    CELLTYPE_NUMBER,       //1
    CELLTYPE_STRING,       //2
    CELLTYPE_BOOLEAN,      //3
    CELLTYPE_BLANK,        //4
    CELLTYPE_ERROR         //5