
Makefile template for simple C/C++ programs

Primary LanguageMakefile

Makefile templates for simple C and C++ programs.



Possible options include

  • DEBUG=1: enable debugging information (-ggdb3), optimize for debugging (-Og), and enable sanitizers.
  • SANITIZE=1: enable sanitizers (address, undefined, leak, thread).
    • For thread sanitization, needs WANT_TSAN=1, for leak sanitization needs LSAN=1.
  • PTHREAD=1: link with pthread library.
  • PROFILE=1: write profile information for use with the analysis program gprof (-pg).
  • PIE=0: disable generation of position independent executables.
  • FAST=1: enables optimization level 3 (-O3), and generates CPU-specific code (-march=native), and enables some other options that might slightly increase performance.

These options can also be set directly inside the Makefile.

Possible targets are

  • all (default): builds all programs.
  • format: formats source files with clang-format (according to the style defined in the .clang-format file).
  • clean: removes build files and executables.

Recommendation: for faster builds, set your MAKEFLAGS environment variable to use the full number of logical cores on your machine.


export MAKEFLAGS="-j$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)"


export MAKEFLAGS="-j$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)"

Adapted from the CS61 section notes Makefile at https://github.com/cs61/cs61-sections.