zyenai's Following
- sans-course-devUnited States of America
- FreyrSCADAFreyrSCADA Embedded Solution
- rbmm
- MalwareSupportGroup
- readcoil
- abarisani@usbarmory
- mame@heyinc
- ZeroPointSecurity
- rasta-mouse@ZeroPointSecurity
- stevenseeleySource Incite
- peterheinrichSwitzerland
- HerushanUT
- Wh04m1001
- reidmefirstDragos, Inc
- jorgeorchillesSouth Florida, USA
- ic3qu33n
- RedLogicSecuritySan Diego, CA
- TheEconomistLondon
- idlefire
- gabriellandauElastic
- VelocidexGold Coast, Australia
- s-e-knudsenKnudsenborg
- netspooky
- BeichenDream
- jadamcrainStep Function I/O
- nostr-protocol
- connormcgarrUnited States of America
- ThunderGunExpress
- vxundergroundInternational
- raptorsqueak
- 0vercl0kUS/FR
- scadastrangeloveSCADA StrangeLove
- w3h
- S3cur3Th1sSh1tr-tec IT Security GmbH
- djhohnstein@xforcered
- FuzzySecurity