
A simple TUI-based translator for paper reading and other purposes.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Originally made for essay-reading purpose (now you can also utilize it to get texts in slides translated), clipper is a simple TUI-based Python app to extract text from clipboard and translate it using extensible translation services, with custom RegEx pre- and post-processing support.


Installation & Usage

This project is managed by Poetry.

To install, run the following commands after cloning the repository:

poetry lock
poetry install
cp userconfig.example.py userconfig.py

After installing dependencies, open userconfig.py and create your own config object based on the example in the file. Check clipper.config for full configuration options.


Clipper won't check whether the config file is valid or contains malicious code.

Please be cautious when running the app with a custom config file.

Hot-reloading of the config file is supported. You can modify the config file while the app is running, and it will be automatically reloaded.

Then, you can run the app by:

poetry run clipper

There are four blue buttons representing main functions of the app:

  • Load: load text from clipboard, removing all line breaks
  • Copy: copy the processed text by Load to the clipboard
  • Translate: translate the loaded text using the selected translation service
  • Copy Translation: copy the translated text to the clipboard

There are also three green buttons, which are just shortcuts to some combinations of the blue buttons:

  • Load & Copy
  • Load, Copy & Translate
  • Load, Translate & Copy Translation

Apart from above, there is a gray button to focus userconfig.py in your file explorer in case you want to open it with a text editor and modify it.

Translation API

Built-in APIs

Class Provider Type Docs Note
BaiduTranslationAPI Baidu General Translate API TranslationAPIWithAppID Link (Simplified Chinese) -
LingoCloudTranslationAPI LingoCloud Translate API TranslationAPIWithToken Link (Simplified Chinese) -

Set api in your config object using the class of the translation API you want to use, along with corresponding secrets based on its type to initialize it.

Continue reading to gain more information on API types and how to add custom APIs.

Add Custom API

To add a custom translation API, you need to extend the BaseTranslationAPI class (or TranslationAPIWithAppID / TranslationAPIWithToken if secrets are required) and implement the translate method.

Then, import your API class and set api property in the config object using your API class and secrets (if required). Everything should work after hot-reloading.

RegEx Pre- and Post-Processing

Clipper supports custom RegEx pre- and post-processing. You can add your own RegEx and replacement in processor.input_re and processor.output_re in the config object.

For example, to keep list structure in PDF slides and convert it to Markdown style, you can add the following to userconfig.py:

from clipper.config import Config, ProcessorConfig, Regex

config = Config(
    # Other properties are omitted ...
            Regex(pattern="(\r)*\n(?![•⚫➢])", repl=" "),
            Regex(pattern="(^|\n)[•⚫➢] ", repl="\\1- "),
    # ...

This will replace all line breaks not followed by , , or with a space in the input, and replace all , , or followed by a space with - in the output.
