
Todolist app. Coded with reactjs, expressjs, es6

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Todo-list app

Simple todo list application. Functions:

  • Create tasks with brief title and description
  • Mark tasks done or redo tasks
  • Delete tasks
  • Basic filtering

Created using google material design components. UI inspired by google keep app.


Install all required dependencies

$ npm install

Start app in dev mode.

$ npm start

This command will:

  • make webpack requild frontend on every change
  • restarts nodejs server on every server side change

Start app in production mode

$ npm run prod

This command will:

  • minifies all frontend code and put it in build folder
  • compiles server side code using babel and put in in dist folder
  • starts nodejs server

Run tests

Run all tests:

$ npm test

Run backend tests:

$ npm run server-tests

Run frontend tests:

$ npm run frontend-tests


Web page written in reactjs communicates with expressjs node backend server via REST api. Data stored in external mongodb database. Now as mongo db privided mlab was chosen. Mongo db url can be configured in server/config.js file. Application is deployed into heroku cloud application platform

App url: https://zee-todo-app.herokuapp.com/ (first page load may take some time)


├── app               - frontend code
├── build             - webpack builded frontend static files. Created during build
├── dist              - server side builded code. Created during build
├── server            - server side code
├── tests             
    ├── backend       - backend tests
    └── frontend      - frontend tests; only few components are covered with unit tests
├── Procfile          - heroku instruction how to run app
├── package.json      - npm dependencies and scripts
└── webpack.config.js - webpack configuration a.k.a. frontend build configuration

Tech stack

Development tools:

  • Babel - compiles es6 (es2015) code to es5. Confifuration in .babelrc
  • eslint - es6 and jsx linter. Used by atom. Not configured as part of build. Configuration in .eslitrc
  • webpack - build frontend code. Configuration stored in webpack.config.js. Notable webpack plugins:
    • ExtractTextPlugin - extracts css to sepatate file.
    • CopyWebpackPlugin - copies index.html into build catalog


  • Reactjs - UI framework
  • material-ui - material ui components for reactjs


  • expressjs - server side framework to build rest api and serve static resources
  • mongodb - database of choice. Integration with mongo done using official node mongo db driver.


  • lodash - great js utilities and functional stuff
  • whatwg-fetch - github lib for making web requests and handle results as promises
  • moment - for date/time handling


  • mocha - tests runner
  • supertest - HTTP assertions lib, for testing REST api
  • sinon - mocking dependencies
  • chai - assertion library
  • enzyme - ReactJs components testing library