
Optimize and purify your Alibaba Cloud ECS instances. My website:


  1. Remove Alibaba Cloud monitoring programs and block bad IPs with firewall to protect your privacy. Switch to other yum repositories. The Alibaba Cloud mirror lacks up-to-date packages and using those old packages may result in a security breach.

    (For Alibaba Cloud CentOS 7 +, not tested on other OSes.)

  2. Optimize your network connection by installing LotServer and create a swap of 2 GB.

    (For all CentOS 7 systems, tested on Alibaba, Vultr, Azure, etc.) (Swap Location: /var/swapx)

Brand new installation

sudo curl -sSL | sudo bash

Snapshot / mirror recovery

sudo curl -sSL | sudo bash

Replace the kernel and install LotServer

sudo curl -sSL | sudo bash

Thanks for the translation from "Kugel-Blitz"、"ztytian"

Updated on May 13, 2018