
Integration test on Node API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Integration test on Node API

This project show how to use frisby and joi to test your Node API.


  • Node 14.x or more
  • Yarn 1.x

Start the API

yarn # Install the dep

yarn dev # start the API on localhost:3000 in watch mode

yarn start # start the API on localhost:3000 (production)


GET -> / -> Return Hello World

GET -> /users -> Return the list of all users

GET -> /users/:id -> Return the user by this :id

Unit test

yarn test:unit:watch # Start unit test in watch mode

yarn test:unit # Start unit test, CI command

The tests can be found in ./src/**/*.spec.js

Integration test

These command start the API in production node (yarn start), wait for it to be launched (start-server-and-test dependency) and start the integration tests.

yarn test:integration:watch # Start integration test in watch mode

yarn test:integration:ci # Start integration test, CI command

The tests can be found in ./integration-tests/**/*.spec.js