
非官方 Minecraft Dungeons 语言包项目 | Unofficial translation project of Minecraft Dungeons (zh-Hans)


Unofficial Minecraft Dungeons Translation Project (en-US to zh-Hans)

Note: The GitHub site is only used as an alternate download address, do not submit any issue or pull requests.

The project is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License.

https://lanzous.com/b0bwh52qj Code: 327n

Triditional Chinese Project: https://forum.gamer.com.tw/Co.php?bsn=18673&sn=950359 (Deprecated)

You can go to the forums to submit feedback:


Initiators: Zyjking,Ff98sha,WDLJT

Translators/Proofreaders: Akasha,Cuervo Carlos (a20001017), Degh_Cilon_ (dwch), Dianliang233 (电量量), Ff98sha, FtyLollipop (节操脆脆酥), HoverCHN (尘信平), Lakejason0 (Lake桑), Lxazl5770 (斯乌), LightBeacon (最亮的信标), Method (方法放寒假), Qsefthuopq, SPGoding, Xuan_su (玄素), WuGuangYao (广药), Zyjking

Translators who joined later: Olvcpr423, Legend_LZD, KaplanSteve, PivotalPurse995, EnderRuiEr

For more information, please check the readme file in compressed files.