
Pushdown Automata Parsers in Circom

Primary LanguagePython



This project is only a proof of concept, and was intended to be exploratory in nature, use at your own risk!

About ZK-PDA

zk-pda is a Pushdown Automata (PDA) to Circom transpiler written in Python. The transpiler takes in a Python object-based description of a PDA and converts it into a Circom circuit that takes an input string and outputs whether the PDA accepts the string or not.


This project is part of our work at Hack Lodge W23, inspired by the regex parser transpiler from the existing project zk-email-verify, found under the directory regex_to_circom.

We wrote this project to improve our JSON parsing code in zkJSON. Since JSON is not a regular language, regex is not powerful enough to describe all JSON strings, so we could not just use the existing regex parser (if we want to be pedantic, neither does our PDA, technically, due to finite memory lol). The key difference is that we had to include a stack in our Circom, which came with its own challenges.

Still WIP to migrate our old JSON parser to use this transpiler.

Example Usage

The following is a PDA describing the language of balanced parentheses ( and ), along with a few examples of such strings.

Example String Is Balanced?
transitions = [
		s0, s1, open_paren,
		StackAction(pda.eps, stk_dollar)
		s1, s1, open_paren,
		StackAction(pda.eps, stk_one)
		s1, s1, close_paren,
		StackAction(stk_one, pda.eps)
		s1, s0, close_paren,
		StackAction(stk_dollar, pda.eps)

# PDA in Circom for balanced parenthesis
accept_states = [s0]
paren_pda = Pda(transitions, s0, accept_states)

To generate an output circom circuit, we can call the following to print the circuit to stdout.

paren_circuit = circuit.CircomPdaCircuit(paren_pda)

The resulting circuit will be have signature template PDA(strLength, stackDepth) with input str[strLength] and output out. The input str[strLength] is an ASCII-encoded array, and output out is 1 if and only if the string is accepted, 0 otherwise.

The resulting circuit references templates from pda.circom, which can be found in this repo, so make sure to include it too when compiling!

The full source can be found in json_pda.py.


Epsilon transitions are not supported; this is especially hard to accomplish in Circom. We have not looked into this yet, but this probably means we can't fully parse all context-free languages yet.


  • Constraining multi-character groups
  • Detecting stack overflows
  • Look into epsilon transitions

