
OverflowError in methratio.py

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Hi @zyndagj ,
I tried to run command below, but it didn't work. (The same error seems to be occrured before.)
Bam file is a data from arabidopsis and BSMAPz's version is 1.1.3.

Things I've tried:

  • Different sample (some samples worked, but the others didn't.)
  • Tried with BSMAPz 1.1.2. (didn't work)

methratio.py --chr=chr2 -d chr2_arab.fasta -o chr2CYS1meth.txt CYS1_sorted_marked.bam

[methratio] @Wed Jun 9 15:06:12 2021 Using 90% of available memory (3859 MB) as limit
[methratio] @Wed Jun 9 15:06:12 2021 Presorting inputs
[methratio] @Wed Jun 9 15:06:12 2021 CYS1_sorted_marked.bam is already sorted
[methratio] @Wed Jun 9 15:06:12 2021 Processing 1 chromosomes at a time
[methratio] @Wed Jun 9 15:06:12 2021 Reading chr2 from CYS1_sorted_marked.bam with samtools

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/kent/anaconda3/envs/py27/bin/methratio.py", line 585, in
File "/home/kent/anaconda3/envs/py27/bin/methratio.py", line 143, in main
ret = map(chromWorker, argList)
File "/home/kent/anaconda3/envs/py27/bin/methratio.py", line 301, in chromWorker
searchFunc(refseq, seq, depth, meth, convert, match, pos)
File "/home/kent/anaconda3/envs/py27/bin/methratio.py", line 543, in searchFunc
depth[ip] += 1
OverflowError: unsigned short is greater than maximum