
Code for the paper 'A Brand-level Ranking System with the Adapted Attention-GRU Model[C]'. (IJCAI 2018 Accepted)

Run command:python --buckets "./data/" --checkpointDir ./log/ --exp debug --m1 1 --m2 0 --m3 1
parameters:'buckets' is the folder for the input data,'checkpointDir' is the fold for the output data,'debug' is only a folder name(not important),'m1 m2 m3' indicate which Modification is activated.

After running the above command for a while,run under the root direcotory:tensorboard --logdir="./log/",then you can see the performance with a website link.

virtual environment:virtualenv -p python2 env
source env/bin/activate

Install TensorFlow in Linux:
pip install --upgrade

Install TensorFlow in Mac:
pip install --upgrade