Zipped Redis Vault

Zipped Redis Vault is a high-performance key-value storage solution that leverages the speed of Redis. It comes with built-in compression using Zlib and optional encryption to keep your data secure and storage-efficient.


  • Redis-Backed: Utilizes Redis for fast, in-memory data storage and retrieval.
  • Automatic Compression: Values are automatically compressed with Zlib, optimizing storage space.
  • Optional Encryption: Offers the option to encrypt data before storage for enhanced security.


  • Redis: A high-performance in-memory key-value data store.
  • Dotenv: A zero-dependency module to load environment variables.
  • Zlib: A compression library providing data compression functionality.
  • Crypto-JS: A library of cryptography standards for encryption.


get(key: string): Promise<any>

Retrieves the value associated with the given key.

  • Parameters: key - The key to fetch the value for.
  • Returns: A promise that resolves to the value, or null if the key doesn't exist.

set(key: string, value: any): Promise<void>

Stores a value under the specified key.

  • Parameters:
    • key - The key under which to store the value.
    • value - The value to store.
  • Returns: A promise that resolves once the operation is complete.

watcher(key: string, logTime: boolean, callback: (value: any) => void, savedUpdateTime?: string): void

Watches a specific key for any updates and executes a callback when the key is updated.

  • Parameters:
    • key - The key to watch.
    • logTime - If true, logs the update time to the console.
    • callback - A function to execute when the key is updated.
    • savedUpdateTime - (Optional) The initial last known update time.

Usage Example

Here's a quick guide to getting started with Zipped Redis Vault:

  1. Setup: Ensure Redis is running and accessible. Place your configuration in a dev.env file at the root of your project, like so:

  2. Storing and Retrieving Data:

    const { set, get } = require('zipped-redis-vault');
    (async () => {
    await set('myKey', { name: 'John', age: 30 });
    const value = await get('myKey');
    console.log(value);  // Outputs: { name: 'John', age: 30 }
  3. Using the Watcher:

    const { set, watcher } = require('zipped-redis-vault');
    watcher('myKey', true, (value) => {
    console.log('Updated value:', value);
    setTimeout(async () => {
    await set('myKey', { name: 'Doe', age: 35 });
    // The watcher will log: Updated value: { name: 'Doe', age: 35 }
    }, 2000);
  4. Encryption: Any keys specified in the SECRET_KEYS of your dev.env will be encrypted automatically.

    await set('secureData', { cardNumber: '1234-5678-9012-3456' });
    const data = await get('secureData');
    console.log(data);  // Outputs: { cardNumber: '1234-5678-9012-3456' }

Exported Objects

  • client: RedisClient - The instance of the Redis client used by the module.


To install the package, you need to have Redis running and a dev.env file with the necessary configurations.

  1. Install the package using npm:

    npm i github:zyoi/Zipped-Redis-Vault


All configuration is handled through the dev.env file. This should include:

  • SECRET: Your encryption key.
  • SECRET_KEYS: A comma-separated list of keys to encrypt.
  • REDIS_URL: The URL to your Redis server.


To run tests, ensure your Redis instance is accessible as configured in dev.env:

npm test


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues, pull requests, or suggestions to help improve the project.


Licensed under the MIT License.