
Get TypeScript Type from JSON Schema

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Get TypeScript Type from JSON Schema


Simply generate TypeScript types from JSON Schema.
It has less functionality than json-schema-to-ts, but supports circular references of $ref.


npm install -D git+https://github.com/misskey-dev/schema-type
# or
yarn add -D git+https://github.com/misskey-dev/schema-type
# or
pnpm add -D git+https://github.com/misskey-dev/schema-type


Just Convert

import type { SchemaType, JSONSchema7 } from 'schema-type';

const schema = {
	type: 'string',
} as const satisfies JSONSchema7;

type MyString = SchemaType<typeof schema>; // will `string`

Storing and calling global references

import type { JSONSchema7, JSONSchema7Definition, GetDef, GetRefs, GetRefsKeys } from 'schema-type';

// Define as Record but key is ignored (you must specify key by `$id`).
const refs = {
	Id: {
		$id: 'https://example.com/schemas/Id',
		type: 'string',
	Note: {
		$defs: {
			poll: {
				type: 'array',
				items: {
					type: 'object',
					properties: {
						text: { type: 'string' },
						count: { type: 'number' },
				required: ['text', 'count'],
		$id: 'https://example.com/schemas/Note',
		type: 'object',
		properties: {
			text: { type: 'string' },
			poll: { $ref: '#/$defs/poll' },
			fileIds: {
				type: 'array',
				items: { $ref: 'https://example.com/schemas/Id' },
			replies: {
				type: 'array',
				items: { $ref: 'https://example.com/schemas/Note' },
		required: ['text', 'replies'],
} as const satisfies Record<string, JSONSchema7Definition>;
type Refs = typeof refs;

// GetDef<References (global references) extends JSONSchema7Definition[], Key[, IsResponse, Prefix]>
export type Def<x extends GetRefsKeys<Refs>> = GetDef<GetRefs<Refs>, x>;

// With prefix
export type Packed<x extends GetRefsKeys<Refs, 'https://example.com/schemas/'>> = GetDef<GetRefs<Refs>, x, false, 'https://example.com/schemas/'>;

type Id = Def<'https://example.com/schemas/Id'> | Packed<'Id'>;
type Poll = Def<'https://example.com/schemas/Note#/$defs/poll'> | Packed<'Note#/$defs/poll'>;

Create a type with global references

import type { ..., SchemaType } from 'schema-type';

const refs = {
	// ...
} as const satisfies Record<string, JSONSchema7Definition>;
type Refs = typeof refs;

const userSchema = {
	type: 'object',
	properties: {
		id: { $ref: 'https://example.com/schemas/Id' },
		notes: {
			type: 'array',
			items: { $ref: 'https://example.com/schemas/Note' },
	required: ['id', 'notes'],
} as const satisfies JSONSchema7;

// Create a type with preset References
export type MySchemaType<S extends JSONSchema7> = SchemaType<S, GetRefs<Refs>>;

type User = MySchemaType<typeof userSchema>;

Default handling


If IsResponse is set to true, properties with default are treated as required.
It can be used to represent a value after verification and molding.

const s = {
	type: 'object',
	properties: {
		foo: { type: 'string', default: 'foo' },
		hoge: { type: 'string' }
	required: [],
} as const satisfies JSONSchema7;

type Req = SchemaType<typeof s, [], false>;
 * type Req = {
 *    foo?: string | undefined;
 *    hoge?: string | undefined;
 * }

type Res = SchemaType<typeof s, [], true>;
 * type Res = {
 *    foo: string;
 *    hoge?: string | undefined;
 * }

Property Type Assertion

objectのpropertiesで、プロパティをas unknown as Xと書いて型Xで上書きすると、SchemaTypeはその上書きされた型を返します。
ただし、Xextends NonNullable<JSONSchema7>でJSONSchema7として認識されてしまう場合はうまく動きません。

If you overwrite a property with type X in the properties of an object by writing as unknown as X, SchemaType will return the overwritten type.
However, if X is recognized as JSONSchema7 with extends NonNullable<JSONSchema7>, it will not work.

type X = {
	values: X[];

const s = {
	type: 'object',
	properties: {
		foo: { type: 'string' },
		bar: {
			type: 'object',
		} as unknown as X,
	required: ['foo', 'bar'],
} as const satisfies JSONSchema7;

type S = SchemaType<typeof s, []>;
 * type S = {
 *     foo: string;
 *     bar: X;
 * }



  • type: 'null'
  • type: 'string'
  • type: 'number', type: 'integer'
  • type: 'enum'
  • type: 'null'
  • type: Array<JSONSchema7TypeName>
  • additionalProperties
  • not
  • if, then, else
  • dependentRequired, dependentSchemas

Ref, Def

  • Reading an array of global references
  • $defs ($defs in nested places will be ignored.)
  • $ref to $def and global references
  • Circular reference $ref (If the $ref target is an object or an array, the item will be no longer required.)
  • $dynamicRef
  • $anchor, $dynamicAnchor

It is not possible to reference $defs from parent to child or schema to schema.


  • allOf
  • oneOf
  • anyOf
    • anyOf of object corresponds only to the anyOf branch of required.






JSON SchemaのobjectでanyOfを使うとき



export const schema = {
	type: 'object',
	properties: {
		hoge: { type: 'string', minLength: 1 },
		fuga: { type: 'string', minLength: 1 },
	anyOf: [
		{ required: ['hoge'] },
		{ required: ['fuga'] },
} as const;

stringのformatとSerialized<T>, WeakSerialized<T>

type: stringのとき、formatにdate,date-timeが指定されていた場合はDatebinaryの場合はRelativeIndexable<number>となります。

stringに変換したい場合はSerialized<T>string | Dateのように両方を許容・推測したい場合はWeakSerialized<T>でラップします。

import type { SchemaType, JSONSchema7, Serialized, WeakSerialized } from 'schema-type';

const schema = {
	type: 'string',
	format: 'date-time',
} as const satisfies JSONSchema7;

type D = SchemaType<typeof schema>; // Date
type SD = Serialized<D>;            // string
type WSD = WeakSerialized<D>        // string | Date