
📦 Perks is a simple-to-use persistent data storage.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


📦 Perks is a simple-to-use persistent data storage.

pub package License Tests



  • Adapters take care of read and write operations.
  • Boxes abstract adapters to provide a way to perform operations on the data.

Available Adapters

  • PerksFileAdapter - Asynchronous file based storage.
  • PerksFileSyncAdapter - Synchronous file based storage.
  • PerksMemoryAdapter - Synchronous memory based storage.

Available Boxes

  • PerksNameValueBox - Asynchronous Name-Value (or Key-Value) paired database schema.
  • PerksNameValueSyncBox - Synchronous Name-Value (or Key-Value) paired database schema.
  • PerksStringBox - Asynchronous storage where data is stored as a single string.
  • PerksStringSyncBox - Synchronous storage where data is stored as a single string.


import 'package:perks/perks.dart';

final PerksNameValueBox<String> database = PerksNameValueBox<String>(
    adapter: PerksFileAdapter('data.db'),

await database.set('hello', 'world');
print('Value of hello: ${await database.get('hello')}');

Check out example and test for more examples.
