- django
- requests
- django-cors-headers
- nltk
- // lxml
For Windows (64 bit):
lxml usually should be installed from wheel.
pip install lxml-3.5.0-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl
For Ubuntu Server 14.04.3 (64 bit):
lxml should be installed as follows.
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python-dev zlib1g-dev
pip install lxml
Refferred from here
python manage.py runserver
Currently the server is running on []
A client can be accessed from [http://pi.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/lab/nativis]
Restructure the project to include client code (since tree.py
and features.py
are shared).
Insert formula like this:
Refferred from here
Alternative: Using MathJax with Jekyll
This project is built on Aloha Editor