
Remove DIVs, style stuff and normalize HTML preserving structure information

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Clean and normalize HTML. Preserve embeddings (e.g. Twitter, Instagram, etc)

Install the library with pip:

pip install clear-html

Example usage with lxml:

from lxml.html import fromstring
from clear_html import clean_node, cleaned_node_to_html

        <div style="color:blue" id="main_content">
            Some text to be
            <div>cleaned up!</div>
node = fromstring(html)
cleaned_node = clean_node(node)
cleaned_html = cleaned_node_to_html(cleaned_node)

Example usage with Parsel:

from parsel import Selector
from clear_html import clean_node, cleaned_node_to_html

selector = Selector(text="""<html>
                                <div style="color:blue" id="main_content">
                                    Some text to be
                                    <div>cleaned up!</div>
selector = selector.css("#main_content")
cleaned_node = clean_node(selector[0].root)
cleaned_html = cleaned_node_to_html(cleaned_node)

Both of the different approaches above would print the following:


<p>Some text to be</p>

<p>cleaned up!</p>


Other interesting functions:

  • cleaned_node_to_text: convert the cleaned node to plain text
  • formatted_text.clean_doc: low level method to control more aspects of the cleaning up