
Just another discord.js command handler that looks no differernt than the rest.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


zyteclient is heavily based off a popular command handler named CDCommands, by lead developer Exxxon.

The following is meant to be a personal project.

An annoyingly average discord.js command handler that is very work in progress.


Due to the raging popular demand, I've decided to ship the command in a super nifty way (sound familiar?)

ZyteClient: Class; zyteClient: instanceof @extends Discord.Client; zyteclient: package name

Good luck!

ZyteClient class is where your initial loading will take place.

Require --- Deconstruct

const { Client } = require('discord.js');
const { ZyteClient } = require('zyteclient');

const client = new Client();

Then new constructor on your client.on('ready') event

client.on('ready', () => {
  new ZyteClient(client, {   //passing in the client (zyteClient instance) parameter, and options object...

    /** both commandsDirectory and eventsDirectory
     *  can have whatever name you want.  If the directory specified 
     *  doesn't exist, it'll create it.

    commandsDirectory: 'commands',
    eventsDirectory: 'events',
    ownerId: [' '],
    prefix: '%',
    mongoURI: process.env.MONGOURI,
  console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.username}`);
  // .. rest of logging in here

Command and Events Folder


File loader will load any folders/files within the specified commandsDirectory and eventsDirectory.

Then require the CommandConstructor and you have some required/optional properties.

//top of ping.js
const { CommandConstructor } = require('zyteclient');

module.exports = new CommandConstructor({
  name: 'ping',
  aliases: ['pong'], // optional 
  description: 'Ping the pong.',
  leastArgs: 0,
  mostArgs: Infinity,
  ownerOnly: false, // optional
  category: 'fun',
  init: (client) => {
    client.writeOnInfo = ({ result: `${client.user.tag} was loaded.` });
  run: async (message, args, client) => {

The three parameters that each command can take are:

  • message: Message
  • args: Command arguments after your typical split/slice/join [0]
  • client: instanceof @extends Client (discord.js)


npm i zyteclient
