
The offical code for CPA-Enhancer for segmentation tasks.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CPA-Enhancer: Chain-of-Thought Prompted Adaptive Enhancer for Object Detection under Unknown Degradations

This is the official repository of the paper: CPA-Enhancer: Chain-of-Thought Prompted Adaptive Enhancer for Object Detection under Unknown Degradations for segmentation tasks.

🛠️ Installation

  • Step0. Download and install Miniconda from the official website.
  • Step1. Create a conda environment and activate it.
conda create --name mmseg python=3.8 -y
conda activate mmseg
conda install pytorch==1.11.0 torchvision==0.12.0 torchaudio==0.11.0 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
pip install -U openmim
mim install mmengine
mim install "mmcv>=2.0.0"
  • Step4. Install other related packages
cd CPA_Seg
pip install -r ./cpa/requirements.txt

📁 Data Preparation

You can download our reorganized ACDC datase (in cityscapes format) from this link. (pwd: tuag) Remember to modify the data_root in configs/__base__/datasets/cityscapes.py.

🎯 Usage

  • Recompile the code.
pip install -v -e .
  • Training
# CPA-Enhancer + deeplabv3plus
python tools/train.py configs/deeplabv3plus/acdc_deeplabv3plus_config.py
# CPA-Enhancer + segformer
python tools/train.py  configs/segformer/acdc_segformer_config.py
  • Testing
# CPA-Enhancer + deeplabv3plus
python tools/test.py configs/deeplabv3plus/acdc_deeplabv3plus_config.py cpa/pretrained_models/deeplabv3plus.epoch
# CPA-Enhancer + segformer
python tools/test.py  configs/segformer/acdc_segformer_config.py cpa/pretrained_models/segformer.epoch
  • Inference
python demo/image_demo.py \
	--img path/to/testimg.png  # path to your input image
	--config path/to/configfile # Eg. ..configs/segformer/acdc_segformer_config.py 
	--weights path/to/pretrained_models/xx.pth 

You can download our pretrained models from this link. (pwd: m1r1)

📊 Results

We cascade our proposed CPA-Enhancer with two basic segmentation models, DeepLabv3+ and Segformer, and labeled them as Ours(D) and Ours(S) respectively.

Quantitative results

Overall Workflow of the CPA-Enhancer Framework
Quantitative comparisons on the ACDC test set.

Visual Results

Overall Workflow of the CPA-Enhancer Framework
Qualitative comparisons of semantic segmentation on the ACDC validation set. Zoom in on the colored annotation boxes to better observe the differences.

💐 Acknowledgments

Special thanks to the creators of mmsegmentation upon which this code is built, for their valuable work in advancing object detection research.

🔗 Citation

If you use this codebase, or CPA-Enhancer inspires your work, we would greatly appreciate it if you could star the repository and cite it using the following BibTeX entry.

      title={CPA-Enhancer: Chain-of-Thought Prompted Adaptive Enhancer for Object Detection under Unknown Degradations}, 
      author={Yuwei Zhang and Yan Wu and Yanming Liu and Xinyue Peng},