
Store-based router for Svelte

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Store-based router for Svelte | Demo

Inspired by the svelte-pathfinder by PaulMaly

A completely different approach of routing. State-based router suggests that routing is just another global state and History API changes are just an optional side-effects of this state.

How it works (russian language)


  • Just another global state;
  • It doesn't impose any restrictions on how to apply this state to the application;
  • Manipulate different parts of a state (path / query / fragment) separately;
  • Automatic parsing of the query and fragment parameters;
  • Components for path matching and parameters extracting (using regexparam);
  • Configurable delay of History changing;
  • Converting query and fragment string values to JavaScript types;
  • Cleaning query and fragment from empty values like a null / undefined / '';
  • Automatically handling <a> navigation what allow updating the route state without reloading the page;
  • Works fine with SSR.


npm i svelte-store-router --save-dev


Create a route store in your stores.js:

import { createRouteStore } from 'svelte-store-router'

export const route = createRouteStore({
  delay: 300,
  queryClean: true,
  fragmentClean: true

Now you can access it as usual store.

  import { route } from './stores.js'

Full route:   {$route}
Path:         {$route.path}
Query:        {$route.query}
Fragment:     {$route.fragment}

You can change it.

<button on:click={() => $route.path = '/'}>home page</button>
<button on:click={() => $route.path = '/users'}>user list</button>

<button on:click={() => $route.query.sort = 'name'}>sort by name</button>
<button on:click={() => $route.query.team = 'svelte'}>filter by team</button>

<button on:click={() => $route.fragment.modal = true}>open modal window</button>
<button on:click={() => $route.fragment.scroll = 5}>skip first 50 users</button>

You can bind store values.

<textarea placeholder="fragment.search" bind:value={$route.fragment.search}/>

You can navigate to the full path you want by assigning a string value to the store or by calling the store's goto function (without $). Don't forget that the route must be relative to the base path. So calling goto('https://google.com') with base: '/test' redirects you to /test/https://google.com.

<button on:click={() => $route = '/users?orderBy=karma&limit=10'}>show top 10 users</button>
<button on:click={() => route.goto('/users?orderBy=karma&limit=10')}>show top 10 users</button>

You can match path pattern and parametrize it (regexparam).

  import { Match } from 'svelte-store-router'
  import { route } from './stores.js'

<Match route={$route} pattern="/users">
  User list
<Match route={$route} pattern="/users/:id" let:params={{ id }}>
  User {id} profile

You can show only first matching path.

  import { Match, Matcher } from 'svelte-store-router'
  import { route } from './stores.js'

  <Match route={$route} pattern="/users">
    User list
  <Match route={$route} pattern="/users/:id" let:params={{ id }}>
    User {id} profile
  <Match route={$route}>
    Page not found
  <Match route={$route}>
    This content will never be displayed, because
    the previous <Match> handle all possible routes

You can use nested match components using the loose parameter.

  import { Match, Matcher } from 'svelte-store-router'
  import { route } from './stores.js'

  <Match route={$route} pattern="/users" loose>
    Begin of users template
      <Match route={$route} pattern="/users">
        Users list
      <Match route={$route} pattern="/users/:id" let:params={{ id }}>
        User {id} profile
    End of users template
  <Match route={$route}>
    Page not found

Or you can do it all above manually using match function instead of components.

  import { match } from 'svelte-store-router'
  import { route } from './stores'

  let params

  It is recommended to first check if the route matches the base path of application by 
  calling `match($route)`. Not necessary if the application will always be in the root path.
{#if match($route)}
  {#if match($route, '/users', true)}
    Begin of users template
    {#if params = match($route, '/users/:id')}
      User {params.id}
    {:else if params = match($route, '/users/:id/friends')}
      User {params.id} friends

    End of users template
    Page not found


base [String]

Base path of application. Routes and links which not match under this path will not be handled. '' by default.

delay [Number]

Sets delay in milliseconds before history.pushstate was called. This prevents a large number of items from appearing in History state. For example, it could be useful when the parameter of query or fragment is binded with the search input field. 0 by default.

queryParse, fragmentParse [Boolean]

Enables query and fragment string to objects conversion. true by default.

queryTyped, fragmentTyped [Boolean]

Converts query and fragment string values to JavaScript types. true by default. For example strings will be converted from -> to:

"1"         -> 1
"0.123"     -> 0.123
"true"      -> true
"null"      -> null
"undefined" -> undefined
"01234"     -> 1234
"a1234"     -> "a1234"

queryClean, fragmentClean [Boolean]

Clean query and fragment from empty (null / undefined / "") values. Might be useful to avoid /path?page=undefined&search=. false by default.

queryShortBoolean, fragmentShortBoolean [Boolean]

Automatically shortens the parameter string for boolean values, e.g. a=true&b=false&c=true into a&c. So for parameters with true only the parameter name will be shown, and with false they will be hidden completely. false by default.

sideEffect [Boolean]

Controls side effect of route changing which push items to History. true by default in browser, always false on server side.

handleNavigation [Boolean / String]

Toggles a navigation handler that automatically intercepts <a> clicks, updating the route state without reloading the page. Adding a rel="external" attribute to a <a> will trigger a usual browser navigation when the link is clicked. In addition to boolean, can contain a string with CSS selectors (e.g. ".foo, #bar, form") for elements only within which <a> clicks should be handled. true by default.

autoClearParams [Boolean]

This option toggles automatically clear the query and fragment when the path is changed. false by default.