
3d reconstruction

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Graph Cluster Software Package

This software package is used to partition numerous of images into different clusters under the background of large scale image-based 3D reconstruction. The software can partition the images in less than 5 minutes except the feature extraction process for about 1,000 images. The number of clusters can be set by your need. You could use this software to partition large scale images into clusters that independent or interdependent. Independent means the partitioned clusters doesn't share common images(or cameras), Interdependent means the partitioned clusters have some common images. More details are given below.

1. Dependencies

  • OpenCV 2.4.
  • gflags, glog and gtest
  • Eigen3. A fast linear algebra library implemented in C++.
  • STLplus. STLplus is a collection of reusable C++ components for developers already familiar with the STL. It contains template containers to extend the STL, reusable subsystems, data persistence (serialisation) and portability components.
  • Graclus. A library used for fast normalized cut, implemented in C. I make some modifications to meet my requirements.
  • libvot. A multi-thread vocabulary tree library.
  • cmdLine.

2. How to Build

Since Eigen3, STLPlus, Graclus, libvot and cmdLine are integrated in the ext/ directory, so you only need to install the libraries below.

For the use of libvot, additional dependencies are needed

(1) OpenCV 2.4

The version of opencv does matter, since the nonfree module are removed in higher version of OpenCV.

(2) Required: gflags, glog and gtest (if test is enabled)

gflags is a handy library to parse command-line options. glog is a logging utility. Together with gtest, a unit test suite, they are made public by google to facilitate the development of modern C++ software.

To install them on Mac:

brew update
brew glog gflags gtest

To install them on Linux (e.g. ubuntu):

sudo apt-get install libgoogle-glog-dev libgflags-dev libgtest-dev
cd /usr/src/gtest
sudo mkdir build
cd build
sudo cmake ..
sudo make
sudo cp libgtest* /usr/lib/
cd ..
sudo rm -rf build

(3) Build the software package

cd GraphCluster
mkdir build && cd build
make [-j threads]

3. How to use

Use exe independently

All the execution files are included in the build/bin subdirectory. I will give an example on how to use it on Linux operating system (For the use of Windows, you may try other commands).

(1) Extract Feature Points

ls -d $PWD/*.jpg > image_list
build/bin/libvot_feature image_list && mkdir sift && mv *.sift sift

(2) Image Similarity Search

ls -d $PWD/sift/*.sift > sift_list
mkdir voc && build/bin/image_search sift_list voc
mv voc/match.out .

The match.out file contains the search results.

(3) Graph Cluster

build/bin/GraphCluster absolute_image_list_path absolute_matchout_path cluster_option max_img_num completeness_ratio
  • absolute_image_list_path is the absolute path of the image_list file
  • absolute_matchout_file is the absolute path of the match.out file
  • cluster_option is the option of clusters you want to partition, you could only set it by "naive" or "expansion"
  • max_img_num is the max number of each cluster that you want to partition
  • completeness_ratio is the ratio that measure the repeateness of adjacent clusters, 0.7 is suggested in large scale partition.

Use shell script

To simplify the use of this software, I provide a script to run on Linux. The file included in script/ folder, named graph_cluster.sh.

  • Usage
cd script/
sudo chmod +x graph_cluster.sh 
./graph_cluster.sh img_dir cluster_option max_img_num completeness_ratio img_format
  • img_dir is directory of images stored on your disk
  • cluster_option is the option of clusters you want to partition, you could only set it by "naive" or "expansion"
  • max_img_num is the max number of each cluster that you want to partition
  • completeness_ratio is the ratio that measure the repeateness of adjacent clusters, 0.7 is suggested in large scale partition.
  • img_format is the format of your images, you should just use the filename suffix. For example, the image is JPG/jpg format, you should set the parameter of JPG/jpg, and it's case sensitive.

4. License

The BSD 3-Clause License