With the concept of Block-chain s a Service, BFBaas Platform provides block chain serives to clients, assits industries to set business on block chain, and excavates commercial values of block chain.
For detailed information: https://www.bfbaas.com/home
BFBaaS provides one-stop block chain development service with low costs and fast deployment.
As a light-weighting framework, BFBaaS Platform can build block chain at high speed, and runs client services at much lower costs.
Industries own main block chain, with particular organization data share, multiple node endorses and channel options, keeps data realiable and security.
Provide visible background mangement, easier usage of block chain, help industries control main block chain.
BFBaaS is based on Kubernetes (k8s) to manage containerized workloads and services.
More information: https://kubernetes.io/
- solo
- etcdraft
- Block chain dashboard statiscs & analysis
- Block chain browser
- Dynamic block chain expansion
- Optimization
- execute fabric operations
- k8s cluster, based on flannel network, dashboard and some other plugin installed to build a simple k8s cluster
- kubeconfig/config to replace $HOME/.kube/config of k8s master, use for k8s client linking to k8s cluster
- unified api gateway managment, call gateway