
An INTERFACE for darknet, which allow you to use darknet detector in your own program(C, C++, Python, etc...) to do something interesting (like object detect using YOLO in your PC, Raspberry PI, TX1, etc...)

Primary LanguageC++

Darknet Interface

This repository is an INTERFACE for darknet, which allow you to use darknet detector in your own program(C, C++, Python, etc...) to do something interesting (like object detect using YOLO in your PC, Raspberry PI, Nvidia TX1, etc...) by linking with "libdarknet.so" and "libdetector.so".

Demo GIF

Click here to view demo


2020.07.16 Yolo_v4 is available.

Interface Functions Discription

void detector_init(char *cfgfile, char *weightfile)

  • brief: initiate an detector into the memory by loading specific network configuration and pretrained weight file.
  • param[in1]: path to the network configuration file
  • param[in2]: path to the network pretrained weight file
  • retval: void

float* test_detector_file(char filename, float thresh, float hier_thresh, int num_output_class)

  • brief: detect objects in a specific image file.
  • param[in1]: path to the image file which want to be detected
  • param[in2]: detect thresh
  • param[in3]: set 0.5 as default and don't care in yolov3 (maybe used only for yolo9000?)
  • param[in4]: the number of objects being detected in image
  • retval: information about boundary box according to all objects detected in image. Each object is described as a set of six float data in sequence:
    • class index
    • confidence score
    • top-left x-coordinate of bbox
    • top-left y-coordinate of bbox
    • width of bbox
    • height of bbox

float* test_detector_uchar(unsigned char* data, int w, int h, int c, float thresh, float hier_thresh, int* num_output_class);

  • brief: detect objects in an image data buffer
  • param[in1]: a pointer to the image data buffer. In such buffer an image was arranged as bgrbgr...bgr by rows (the same as cv::Mat::data or IplImage.imageData) with format unsigned char.
  • param[in2]: width of image
  • param[in3]: height of image
  • param[in4]: channels of image
  • param[in5~7]: the same as "test_detector_file" described before
  • retval: the same as "test_detector_file" described before

void detector_uninit()

  • brief: free memory when all detect task finished.
  • retval: void

double what_is_the_time_now()

  • brief: grab the current time
  • retval: an double representing the current time(In seconds)

How to use

Step 1. Compile your darknet

Note that this interface can be used both for the original darknet and AlexeyAB version, you can choose any one you like to compile.
Btw, I perfer to use AlexeyAB version because I think its faster than the original one, especially in Raspberry PI(OpenBLAS is highly recommended!!).

If you choose to use the original darknet:

$ git clone https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet.git darknet
$ cd darknet

Or you can choose AlexeyAB version:

$ git clone https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet.git darknet_AlexeyAB
$ cd darknet_AlexeyAB

modify those variants listed below:

$ vim Makefile
    GPU=1           (optional)
    CUDNN=1         (optional)
    CUDNN_HALF=1    (optional, AlexeyAB version only)
    LIBSO=1         (AlexeyAB version only)

and then:

$ make -j4
$ cd ..

after do this you can find "libdarknet.so" in darknet repository folder.If the name of this shared library is "darknet.so", you should change it to "libdarknet.so" manually:

$ mv darknet.so libdarknet.so
$ ln -s darknet.so libdarknet.so

Step 2. Clone and compile this repository beside the darknet repository you just cloned

$ git clone https://github.com/zyy-cn/darknet_interface.git darknet_interface

After do this your directory structure should be looks like this:

|-- darknet (or darknet_AlexeyAB)
    |-- cfg
        |-- ...
    |-- src
        |-- ...
    |-- ...
    |-- Makefile
|-- darknet_interface
    |-- src
        |-- ...
    |-- script
        |-- ...
    |-- README.md

go on:

$ cd darknet_interface/src
$ chmod 777 *
$ vim gcc.sh

Modify those variants listed on the top of gcc.sh according to your own environment, and then:

$ ./gcc.sh
$ cd ..

after do this you can get "libdetector.so"(for CPP) and "libdetector_c.so"(for C) in darknet_interface/lib.
Note that your must compile and install OPENCV(version 3.3.1 or before) firstly if you want to use it, and macro definition "-DOPENCV" should be added by setting "IS_USE_OPENCV" to "1" in gcc.sh. If you decide to use GPU and CUDNN on step 1, don't forget to add "-DGPU" and "-DCUDNN" correspondly by setting "IS_USE_GPU" and "IS_USE_CUDNN" to "1", And "0" if you don't mean to.

step 3. Run demo

you can run c++ demo, which allow you to do detect in webcam, video or single image file:

$ cd bin
$ ./demo ${detect_type} ${cfg} ${weights} ${thresh} ${image_path|video_path|webcam_index}

in which ${detect_type} can be 'image', 'video' or 'webcam'. For instance, you can do detect object using model trained on MSCOCO(can be downloaded here) with thresh 0.5 through camera 0 by running:

$ ./demo webcam ../../darknet/cfg/yolov3.cfg ../../darknet/weights/yolov3.weights 0.5 0

AI camera is also provided, here is the usage:

$ ./AI_camera ${cfg_path} ${weight_path} ${thresh} ${capture_interval} ${webcam_index} ${target_class_index_list}

${target_class_index_list} is an integer vector in which class index of targets you want to detected is stored. Captured image is stored in bin/cap renamed by time. For instance, you can detect person, cat and dog(class_id is 0, 15 and 16) using model trained on MSCOCO with thresh 0.5 and capture interval 10s through camera 1 by running:

$ ./AI_camera ../../darknet/cfg/yolov3.cfg ../../darknet/weights/yolov3.weights 0.5 10 1 0 15 16

you can also run python demo which is similar to its c++ counterpart:

$ cd script
$ python demo.py ${detect_type} ${cfg} ${weights} ${thresh} ${video_path|webcam_index}

in which ${detect_type} can be 'video' or 'webcam'. If you want to detect multi images contanted in a directory:

$ python detect_dir_img.py ${cfg} ${weights} ${thresh} ${input directory} ${output directory}

step 4. use this interface in your own programs

  • in C/CPP:
    • include "detector.h";
    • link with "libdarknet.so", "libdetector.so"(or "libdetector_c.so") compiled in step 1 and 2;
    • add macro definition ("-DOPENCV", "-DGPU" and "-DCUDNN") and set path to the libraries and headers if you want to use them;
    • make sure your "libdarknet.so" is compiled with GPU and CUDNN in step 1 before add "-DGPU" and "-DCUDNN" when your program compiled;
    • view "demo.cpp" and "gcc.sh" for more details.
  • in python:
    • view "demo.py" and "detect_dir_img.py" for more details

Darknet 接口

本项目 是一个用于darknet的接口, 可以让你在你自己的程序中(C,C++,Python等)通过链接“libdarknet.so”和“libdetector.so”这两个库,就可以使用darknet检测器来做一些很酷的事情(比如在你的个人电脑,树莓派,英伟达TX1等设备上运行YOLO目标检测算法)。




2020.07.16 支持YOLO_V4.


void detector_init(char *cfgfile, char *weightfile)

  • 简介: 通过载入指定模型配置文件和预训练权重文件,将一个检测器变量在内存中初始化。
  • 参数[in1]: 网络配置文件路径
  • 参数[in2]: 网络预训练权重文件路径
  • 返回值: 无

float* test_detector_file(char filename, float thresh, float hier_thresh, int num_output_class)

  • 简介: 在指定图像文件中进行目标检测
  • 参数[输入1]: 你想要进行检测的图像文件的路径
  • 参数[输入2]: 检测阈值
  • 参数[输入3]: 默认设置为0.5就行,在yolo第3版中用不到(好像只在yolo9000中有用?)
  • 参数[输入4]: 在图像中检测到的物体的总数量
  • 返回值: 所有在图像中检测到的物体的包围盒信息。每个物体用一组由六个浮点数组成的集合来依次描述:
    • 类别号
    • 置信度分数
    • 包围盒左上角x坐标
    • 包围盒左上角y坐标
    • 包围盒宽度
    • 包围盒高度

float* test_detector_uchar(unsigned char* data, int w, int h, int c, float thresh, float hier_thresh, int* num_output_class);

  • 简介: 在一个图像数据缓存里进行目标检测
  • 参数[输入1]: 指向图像数据缓存的指针。在这样一个缓存里,图像数据以bgrbgr...bgr的顺序按行排列 (跟Opencv中的cv::Mat::data或IplImage.imageData的排列顺序相同),数据类型为unsigned char。
  • 参数[输入2]: 图像宽度
  • 参数[输入3]: 图像高度
  • 参数[输入4]: 图像通道数
  • 参数[输入5~7]: 跟之前在“test_detector_file”中描述的相同
  • 返回值: 跟之前在“test_detector_file”中描述的相同

void detector_uninit()

  • 简介: 在所有检测任务完成后释放内存。
  • 返回值: 无

double what_is_the_time_now()

  • 简介: 抓取当前时间
  • 返回值: 一个代表当前时间的双精度浮点型数据(精确到秒)


步骤 1. 编译你的darknet



$ git clone https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet.git darknet
$ cd darknet


$ git clone https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknet.git darknet_AlexeyAB
$ cd darknet_AlexeyAB


$ vim Makefile
    GPU=1           (可选)
    CUDNN=1         (可选)
    CUDNN_HALF=1    (可选, 只有AlexeyAB版本才需要修改)
    LIBSO=1         (只有AlexeyAB版本才需要修改)


$ make -j4
$ cd ..


$ mv darknet.so libdarknet.so
$ ln -s darknet.so libdarknet.so

步骤 2. 在你刚刚克隆下来的darknet项目文件夹旁边,克隆这个接口项目

$ git clone https://github.com/zyy-cn/darknet_interface.git darknet_interface


|-- darknet (or darknet_AlexeyAB)
    |-- cfg
        |-- ...
    |-- src
        |-- ...
    |-- ...
    |-- Makefile
|-- darknet_interface
    |-- src
        |-- ...
    |-- script
        |-- ...
    |-- README.md


$ cd darknet_interface/src
$ chmod 777 *
$ vim gcc.sh


$ ./gcc.sh
$ cd ..


步骤 3. 运行示例

你可以运行C++示例, 这个示例可以让你在摄像头画面,视频文件或图像文件中进行目标检测:

$ cd bin
$ ./demo ${detect_type} ${cfg} ${weights} ${thresh} ${image_path|video_path|webcam_index}


$ ./demo webcam ../../darknet/cfg/yolov3.cfg ../../darknet/weights/yolov3.weights 0.5 0


$ ./AI_camera ${cfg_path} ${weight_path} ${thresh} ${webcam_index} ${target_class_index_list}


$ ./AI_camera ../../darknet/cfg/yolov3.cfg ../../darknet/weights/yolov3.weights 0.5 10 1 0 15 16


$ cd script
$ python demo.py ${detect_type} ${cfg} ${weights} ${thresh} ${video_path|webcam_index}


$ python detect_dir_img.py ${cfg} ${weights} ${thresh} ${input directory} ${output directory}

步骤 4. 在你自己的程序中使用darknet接口

  • 在C/C++中:
    • 包含头文件"detector.h";
    • 链接在步骤1和2中编译出来的库文件“libdarknet.so”和“libdetector.so”(或“libdetector_c.so”);
    • 如果你想要用OpenCV、GPU或CUDNN的话,就添加宏定义(“-DOPENCV”,“-DGPU”和“-DCUDNN”)并添加相应的库文件和头文件的路径,。
    • 你在编译自己的程序时,添加宏定义“-DGPU”和“-DCUDNN”之前,得先确保在步骤1中编译出的“libdarknet.so”本身是可以使用GPU和CNDUU的;
    • 更多细节请查看“demo.cpp”和“gcc.sh”。
  • 在python中:
    • 更多细节请查看“demo.py”和“detect_dir_img.py”。


  • Add GPU support
  • python interface for video and webcam detection
  • Add demo gif
  • Windows version
  • Add GUI


This project is released under the WTFPL LICENSE.