
Primary LanguageC++

Chianina (also named as GraphFlow)

Welcome to the home repository of Chianina.

Chianina --- A Disk-based Envolving Graph System for Context- and Flow-Sensitive Static Analyses on Million Lines of C Code.

This README provides a how-to-use guide for Chianina.

Getting started

Required Libraries

Make sure that you have the Boost library installed in your environment. Here you can get started using Boost.

Compiling Chianina

  1. Download the entire Chianina source code into your machine.
$ git clone https://github.com/Chianina-system/backend.git
  1. Get into the folder where contains the makefile.
$ cd backend/Debug/
  1. Run makefile
$ make

After compiling, there should be a backend binary executable file in Debug folder.

Running Chianina

Chianina needs five input files:

  1. file_total: record total number of nodes in the cfg

  2. file_entries: record entry nodes' id

  3. file_cfg: record the whole program(inter) cfg which Chianina can perform computation

  4. file_stmts: record a map from node id to statement

  5. file_singletons: record singleton variable ids

And there are also seven parameters used to fit your own program and running environment:

  1. graphstore_mode: 0 -- naive, 1 -- itemset

  2. update_mode: 0 -- sequential, 1 -- parallel

  3. comp_mode: 0 -- in-memory, 1 -- out-of-core

  4. num_partitions: the number of partitions you want to part the in the computation cfg (if comp_mode == 1)

  5. file_mode: 0 -- binary, 1 -- text (if comp_mode == 1)

  6. buffered_mode: 0 --default, 1 -- specified (if comp_mode == 1)

  7. mining_mode: 0 -- eclat, 1 -- apriori, 2 -- fg-growth (if comp_mode == 1)

./backend <file_total> <file_entries> <file_cfg> <file_stmts> <file_singletons> <graphstore_mode> <update_mode> <comp_mode> <num_partitions> <file_mode> <buffered_mode> <mining_mode>

Usage example

./backend configuration.txt entry.txt final id_stmt_info.txt var_singleton_info.txt 0 1 1 1 0 1 0

Project Contributors

  • Zhiqiang Zuo - Assistant Professor, Nanjing University
  • Yiyu Zhang - PhD Student, Nanjing University
  • Zewen Sun - PhD Student, Nanjing University
  • Duanchen Xu - Master Student, Nanjing University