- modularised the internals of the redux container by sub-state.
each module consists of identity.js = a string constant which is the module name used in deltas/signals/reducers signals.js = actions that are inputs to sagas deltas.js = actions that are outputs of sagas and inputs to reducers reducer.js sagas.js sagas folder = exports all the sagas in the sagas folder, these are then imported into index.js index.js = an interface (see below)
index.js exports (for consumption by React or whatever front-end lib): all the signals all the sagas the reducer
as an object with keys
{signals, sagas, reducer}
signal and delta type actions are used to seperate events at the begining and end of saga based business logic 'pipes'
signal actions are objects consist of 3 sub actions.
- REQUEST = any signal triggered by the ui
- SUCCESS = an signal triggered on success of an api call
- FAILURE = an signal triggered on fail of an api call
deltas are very much like the regular actions we know and love