
This project created as a person website demo. If you want to run this project, you need to run this locally or create your own mongodb_URI to run it.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

what your app does and how to use it (with screenshots)

Portfolio demo

This project created as a person website demo. If you want to run this project, you need to run this locally or create your own mongodb_URI to run it.

web link: https://fast-citadel-03267.herokuapp.com/

Introductory video link

Link: https://brandeis.zoom.us/rec/share/H9jHghKQXc3jScmApG8iwL2BJmJf0ffycPlpBDfqc0k1r2ZuKN9WwvYjgPkyVC_S.O6BkatW2x61opa2k?startTime=1651078197000

Home page


This is a home page discriptes my own situation.

Edite model

The special idea of this web is I try to modify my web through web instead of changing original web code, which gives this web more flexibility.


At first I need to login, otherwise I cannot modify this web (Since I obviously don't hope any other people change my website.) The password will be 123456 if you don't have any security.json to save password. Or you can create one for safety.


Changed Home page

Then the home page changed, which likes this.


Through submit, I can add more message on my website. And I also can sort these message by add [num] before the context. The message will be automatically sorted themselves through the number.






how to install and run your app locally

Just download this project, and use the following code to run it.

Chack your version first.

node --version
npm --version

If it's workable, then

npm install
npm install -g nodemon

Finally, the following code will allow you run it.
