
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This script is written on python3.7
It is based on pop3 protocol and the current example is QQmail

who do I build this script: https://www.yuque.com/liuwenkan/blog/tdg6bo
reference: https://www.yuque.com/liuwenkan/pwh0c8/qqmail_r

Quick Start

Please switch this with your account information in line 182:

email = '591465908@qq.com'
password = ''
pop3_server = 'pop.qq.com'
port = 995

and: python QQmail_recive.py

Hot key:

8: display previous email
5: display next email
7: delete this email from local
9: download attachments
f/Fresh: fresh the server
s: save the deleted email from server and fresh.


Currently, it could receive and delete emails, so you can jump between emails with up(8) and down(5). It could also download attachments. It can decode Chinese and show the mail number in the box.
Because the Pop server will cut off the connection if there are no requests within a minuet, I have to refresh to keep connection per 55s.

How to delete and draw back email:


If you want to delete the the email you are reading now, input '7' to delete it locally. If you want to delete it from the server (so as your mailbox), you need to input 's'.

Undo delete

When you input '7' (delete) accidentally, don't panic. It just deleted from the local environment. You can input 'f/Fresh' to reconnect the server and read it again. If you deleted it from server, you can still recover it by signing in the on-line mail box and recalling it from trash can.

Something will be fixed soon.

A problem is when you deleted the 5th email, you will jump to 4th email automatically. You can check previous email but not 5th, because it is empty. So, you'd like to input 's' to fresh on re-connect the server.

Another problem is each re-fresh will freshen the page. It's extremely nosy when the page fresh each 55s. I'll fix it soon.

Some times, the program dead because of poplib.error_proto: b'-ERR Message can not load' .



What can I do:

Refresh Receive mails
Delete emails from local
Delete emails from server Download attachments

What will I do:

Stop Refresh the page if there is no update
Re-Sign in
Insert to Urwid
Send and replay e-mail

An example: