
Primary LanguagePython

Federated Learning with Auxiliary Daata


1.) In exec.sh define paths


2.) and set the hyperparameters


3.) Run via

bash exec.sh



  • "dataset" : Choose from ["cifar10", "cifar100"]
  • "distill_dataset" : Choose from ["stl10", "cifar100_distill"],
  • "models" : Choose from [{"resnet8" : n}, {mobilenetv2" : n}, {"shufflenet" : n}, {"resnet8" : n1, mobilenetv2" : n2, "shufflenet" : n3}] where n is the number of clients

Federated Learning Environment

  • "participation_rate" : Fraction of Clients which participate in every Communication Round
  • "alpha" : Dirichlet Data Heterogeneity Parameter
  • "communication_rounds" : Total number of communication rounds
  • "local_epochs" : Local training epochs at every client
  • "distill_epochs" : Number of epochs used for distillation
  • "n_distill_frac" : Fraction of the auxiliary data that is used for distillation

Optimization Parameters

  • "batch_size" : Batch-size used by the Clients

  • "distill_batch_size" : Batch-size used for distillation at the server

  • "local_optimizer" : The Optimizer used for local training

  • "distill_optimizer" : The optimizer used for Distillation

  • "aggregation_mode" : Choose from "FedAVG" (Federated Averaging), "FedDF" (Federated Ensemble Distillation), "FedAUX" (Federated Learning with Auxiliary Data), "+P" uses pretrained models, "+L" uses linear evaluation

  • "save_scores" : Log the certainty scores computed by FedAUX

  • "pretrained" : Load a pretrained model from the /checkpoints directory according to the auxiliary data that is used, by default will load "<"model_name">_<"distill_dataset">.pth" (the provided checkpoints were obtained by self-supervised pre-training, code available at: https://github.com/leftthomas/SimCLR)

  • "eps_delt" : (epsilon,delta)-Privacy Parameter of FedAUX

  • "lambda_reg_score" : Regularization Term of the ERM

  • "lambda_fedprox" : Regularization of the Proximity Term in FedPROX


  • "log_frequency" : Number of communication rounds after which results are logged and saved to disk
  • "log_path" : e.g. "results/experiment1/"

Run multiple experiments by listing different configurations, e.g.

`"alpha" : [0.01, 0.1, 1.0]`.

Logging and Visualizing

In federated_learning.py, calling


will save experiment results under given keys. Every experiment produces a summary which is stored in the directory specified in "log_path". You can import all experiments stored in a certain directory via

import experiment_manager as xpm
list_of_experiments = xpm.get_list_of_experiments(path)

list_of_experiments contains Experiment objects with the hyperparameters and the results


of the respective experiments.