
:metal: Simplest Instagram Api library in Javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Nodegram Build Status npm version Dependency Status

Simplest Instagram Api library in Javascript

Call any Instagram Api method in just 10 lines of code

var Nodegram = require('nodegram');
var token = 'ACCESS_TOKEN';
var gram = new Nodegram({accessToken: token});
var mediaOptions = {
  '{user-id}': 10499416,
  maxId: 12345,
  count: 30
var likeOptions = {
  '{media-id}': 1234

gram.get('/users/{user-id}/media/recent', mediaOptions).then(onSuccess).catch(onError);
gram.post('/media/{media-id}/likes', likeOptions).then(onSuccess).catch(onError);
gram.del('/media/{media-id}/likes', likeOptions).then(onSuccess).catch(onError);

function onSuccess(res, pag) {
  console.log('onSuccess', res, pag);

function onError(err) {
  console.log('onError', err);


1- Retrieve auth code

var options = {
  clientId: 'CLIENT_ID',
  clientSecret: 'CLIENT_SECRET',
  redirectUri: 'REDIRECT_URI'

var gram = new Nodegram(options);
var url = gram.getAuthUrl();

2- Exchange code for access_token

var code = 'CODE';

gram.getAccessToken(code).then(function(res) {
  var token = res.access_token;


Now, you are authenticated ^^

var gram = new Nodegram({accessToken: token});


### Motivation

The problem I found while trying to use a Node Instagram library was that you have to learn:

  • The Instagram Api methods
  • The Javascript library methods

So, in order to just learn the first point I built this simple Node.js Instagram library to comunicate with Instagram using the exactly syntax that you already now...