Simplest Instagram Api library in Javascript
Call any Instagram Api method in just 10 lines of code
var Nodegram = require('nodegram');
var token = 'ACCESS_TOKEN';
var gram = new Nodegram({accessToken: token});
var mediaOptions = {
'{user-id}': 10499416,
maxId: 12345,
count: 30
var likeOptions = {
'{media-id}': 1234
gram.get('/users/{user-id}/media/recent', mediaOptions).then(onSuccess).catch(onError);'/media/{media-id}/likes', likeOptions).then(onSuccess).catch(onError);
gram.del('/media/{media-id}/likes', likeOptions).then(onSuccess).catch(onError);
function onSuccess(res, pag) {
console.log('onSuccess', res, pag);
function onError(err) {
console.log('onError', err);
1- Retrieve auth code
var options = {
clientId: 'CLIENT_ID',
clientSecret: 'CLIENT_SECRET',
redirectUri: 'REDIRECT_URI'
var gram = new Nodegram(options);
var url = gram.getAuthUrl();
2- Exchange code for access_token
var code = 'CODE';
gram.getAccessToken(code).then(function(res) {
var token = res.access_token;
Now, you are authenticated ^^
var gram = new Nodegram({accessToken: token});
### Motivation
The problem I found while trying to use a Node Instagram library was that you have to learn:
- The Instagram Api methods
- The Javascript library methods
So, in order to just learn the first point I built this simple Node.js Instagram library to comunicate with Instagram using the exactly syntax that you already now...