
A tool for automating benchmarks to test dynaSpark

Primary LanguagePython

xSpark Control Benchmark

xSpark Control Benchmark is a benchmarking suite specific for testing the performance of the planning controller in xSpark. It combines two distinct functionalities, benchmark profiling and benchmark execution, which are part of the planning controller performance testing lifecycle, in one integrated tool called xSpark-bench.

The tool is composed by ten principal modules: xSpark_bench.py, launch.py, run.py, log.py, plot.py, metrics.py, configure.py, processing.py, average_runs.py, process_on_server.py, in addition to the configuration files credentials.json, setup.json, control.json.

Core Functionality

The launch.py module manages the startup of spot request instances on Amazon EC2 or virtual machines on Microsoft Azure and waits until the instances are created and are reachable from the network via their public ip's. Subsequently the run.py module receives as input the instances on which to configure the cluster (HDFS or Spark), configures and runs the benchmarks to be executed and waits for the benchmarks to complete. The module log.py downloads and saves the logs created by the benchmarks run. The plot.py and metrics.py modules respectively generate graphs and calculate metrics. The process_on_server.py module can be called to remotely execute the log analysis, graphs generation and metrics calculation on the xSpark master server, and download the results to the client. This option is very useful to speed-up the processing especially in case of sizeable logfiles.

Cloud Environment Configuration

The Cloud environment must be properly initialized in order to allow xSpark_bench to access and modify resources in the cloud.


Follow the instructions to create an identity called service principal and assign to it all the required permissions:

  1. Check that your account has the required permissions to create an identity.

  2. Create an Azure Active Directory application

  3. Get the Application ID and an Authentication Key. The Application ID and Authentication Key values replace respectively the < AZ-APP-ID > and the < AZ-SECRET > values in the credentials.json file described in the next paragraph.



Tool Configuration

The configure.py module contains the Config class used to instantiate configuration objects that are initialized with default values. The credentials.json file contains Amazon EC2 and/or Microsoft Azure credential information. The setup.json contains Cloud environment and Amazon EC2 and/or Microsoft Azure image parameters. The control.json file contains xSpark controller configuration parameters. Information in the credentials.json, setup.json and control.json files are used to customize the configuration object used by other modules during the benchmark execution.

  • AWS and/or MS-Azure Credentials: Open the credentials_template.json file and add the credentials for xSpark_bench (see instructions below to retrieve missing credentials):

    { "AzTenantId": "< AZ-TENANT-ID >", "AzSubscriptionId": "< AZ-SUBSCRIPTION-ID >", "AzApplicationId": "< AZ-APP-ID >", "AzSecret": "< AZ-SECRET >", "AzPubKeyPath": "< AZ-PUB-KEY-PATH >", "AzPrvKeyPath": "< AZ-PRV-KEY-PATH >", "AwsAccessId": "< KEY-ID >", "AwsSecretId": "< ACCESS-KEY >", "KeyPairPath": "< KEY-PAIR-PATH >" }

Save the file as credentials.json.

  • How to retrieve your Azure credentials (using the Azure Command Line Interface):

Install the Azure CLI. Launch the following command from a console terminal:

$ az login
Note, we have launched a browser for you to login. For old experience with device code, use "az login --use-device-code"

a browser authentication windows is open to allow you to login to the Azure portal. If login is successful, you should get an output similar to the following:

You have logged in. Now let us find all the subscriptions to which you have access...
    "cloudName": "AzureCloud",
    "id": "< AZ-SUBSCRIPTION-ID >",
    "isDefault": true,
    "name": "Microsoft Azure Sponsorship xx",
    "state": "Enabled",
    "tenantId": "< AZ-TENANT-ID >",
    "user": {
      "name": "*your_username*",
      "type": "user"

where you can pick the < AZ-SUBSCRIPTION-ID > and < AZ-TENANT-ID > parameters to be written in the credentials.json file.

Launch the following command from a console terminal to create the private and public RSA cryptography keys:

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

Save the generated files in your favorite folder and replace the values < AZ-PUB-KEY-PATH > and < AZ-PRV-KEY-PATH > in the credentials.json file respectively with the fully qualified file name of the public and the private key.

  • Setup the xSpark and the Virtual Machine Cloud environment: Edit the setup.json file to set the values to your need. The following is an example using Microsoft Azure VM Cloud Service:

    { "Provider": "AZURE", "VM": { "Core": 16, "Memory": "100g" }, "ProcessOnServer": true, "InstallPython3": false, "Aws": { "SecurityGroup": "spark-cluster", "Region": "us-west-2", "EbsOptimized": true, "Price": "0.015", "InstanceType": "m3.medium", "AwsRegions": { "eu-west-1": {"ami":"ami-bf61fbc8", "az": "eu-west-1c", "keypair": "simone", "price": "0.0035" }, "us-west-2": {"ami": "ami-7f5ff81f", "snapid": "snap-4f38bf1c", "az": "us-west-2c", "keypair": "simone2", "price": "0.015"} } }, "Azure": { "ResourceGroup": "xspark-davide-ap", "SecurityGroup": "cspark-securitygroup2", "StorageAccount": { "Sku": "standard_lrs", "Kind": "storage", "Name": "xsparkstoragedavide1" }, "Subnet": "default", "NodeSize": "Standard_D14_v2_Promo", "Network": "cspark-vnet2", "Location": "australiaeast", "NodeImage": { "BlobContainer": "vhd", "StorageAccount": "xsparkstoragedavide1", "Name": "vm2-os.vhd" } }, "Spark": { "ExternalShuffle": "true", "Home": "/opt/spark/", "LocalityWaitRack": 0, "CpuTask": 1, "LocalityWaitProcess": 1, "LocalityWait": 0, "LocalityWaitNode": 0 }, "xSpark": { "Home": "/usr/local/spark/" }, "SparkSeq": { "Home": "/opt/spark-seq/" }

  • Setup the Spark Controller parameters: Edit the control.json file to set the values to your need. The following is an example:

    { "Alpha": 1.0, "Beta": 0.3, "OverScale": 2, "K": 50, "Ti": 12000, "TSample": 500, "Heuristic": "CONTROL_UNLIMITED", "CoreQuantum": 0.05, "CoreMin": 0, "CpuPeriod": 100000 }

Benchmark Profiling

Profiling is the first logical phase of the performance testing lifecycle. In profiling mode, Benchmarks are run using the "vanilla" Spark version. Then the processing.py module is called to analyze the logs and create the "application profile", that is a JSON file containing the annotated DAG of the executed stages plus additional information intended to be used by the controller in the execution phase. The average_runs.py module is called to create a JSON profile called *benchmarkname>-app.json containing the average values of the "n" profiles obtained by running the same benchmark "n" times. Finally, the file with the average profile is uploaded to the xSpark configuration directory on the master server.

Benchmark Execution

Benchmarks are executed using xSpark, and require the application profile benchmarkname-app.json to be present in the xSpark configuration directory. The name of the benchmark and the parameters to modify its default configuration can either be specified as commandline arguments to the submit command, or can be inserted into JSON format "experiment files" and passed as commandline arguments to the launch_exp command. As an example, an experiment files for Pagerank , one for KMeans and one for AggregateByKey are shown here below:

PageRank experiment file example:

    "Deadline": 148080,
    "BenchmarkName": "PageRank",
    "BenchmarkConf": {
	        "NumOfPartitions": 1000,
	        "NumV": 35000000,
	        "Mu": 3.0,
	        "Sigma": 0.0,
	        "MaxIterations": 1,
	        "NumTrials": 1	   

KMeans experiment file example:

    "Deadline": 116369,
    "BenchmarkName": "KMeans",
    "BenchmarkConf": {
	        "NumOfPartitions": 1000,
	        "NumOfPoints": 100000000,
	        "NumOfClusters": 10,
	        "Dimensions": 20,
	        "Scaling": 0.6,
	        "MaxIterations": 1

AggregateByKey experiment file example:

    "Deadline": 124000,
    "BenchmarkName": "scala-agg-by-key",
    "BenchmarkConf": {
	        "ScaleFactor": 5

Download & Requirements

$ git clone https://github.com/gioenn/xSpark-bench.git
$ cd xSpark-bench
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt"

xSpark-bench commands

xSpark-bench run command syntax:

$ cd xSpark-bench
$ python3 xSpark_bench.py *command [*args*]*
*command [*args*]* syntax:
[setup | reboot | terminate | log | profiling | time_analysis | check | 
 profile | submit | launch_exp] [*args*]

where *args* is a set of command-specific arguments list or options.

setup command syntax:
setup [hdfs | spark | all | generic] {[-n | --num-instances] *numinstances*} 
		{[-y |	--assume-yes]}

where *numinstances* is the number of nodes to add to the specified cluster (default is 5), -y or --assume-yes option sets default affirmative answer to interactive confirmation requests.

reboot command syntax:
reboot [hdfs | spark | all | generic]

reboots all nodes in the specified cluster.

terminate command syntax:
terminate [hdfs | spark | all | generic]

deletes (destroyes) all nodes and their connected resources in the specified cluster.

check command syntax:
check [hdfs | spark | all | generic]

checks the status of all nodes in the specified cluster.

profile command syntax:
profile [*exp_file_paths*] {[-r | --num-runs] *numruns*} {[-R | --reuse-dataset]} 
		 {[-q | --spark-seq]}	   

where *exp_file_paths* is a non-empty space separated list of experiment file paths, *numruns* is the number of times to repeat the profiling for each experiment file (default is 1), -R or --reuse-dataset option instructs xSpark to reuse (not to delete) benchmark data in hdfs master node, -q or --spark-seq option instructs xSpark to use Spark data sequencing home directory.

submit command syntax:
submit [*exp_file_paths*] {[-r | --num-runs] *numruns*} {[-R | --reuse-dataset]}	   

where *exp_file_paths* is a non-empty space separated list of experiment file paths, *numruns* is an integer specifying the number of times to repeat the profiling for each experiment file (default is 1), -R or --reuse-dataset option instructs xSpark to reuse (not to delete) benchmark data in hdfs master node.

launch_exp command syntax:
launch_exp {[-e | --executors] *numexecutors*} {[-b | --benchmark] [pagerank | kmeans | 
			 sort_by_key]} {[-v | --variable-parameter] *bpar*} 
			 {[-n | --num-instances] *numinstances*} 

where *numexecutors* is an integer specifying the maximum number of executors to be used in the experiments, *bpar* is a variable parameter representing num_v for pagerank, num_of_points for kmeans, scale_factor for sort_by_key, -r or --num-runs is the number of times the specified benchmark is run, -p or --num-partitions is the number of partitions for each task, -P or --profile instructs xSpark to perform the profiling at the end of the experiments, -R or --reuse-dataset option instructs xSpark to reuse (do not delete) benchmark data in hdfs master node.

log_profiling command syntax:
log_profiling {[-L | --local]}

where -L or --local option instructs xSpark use default local output folders.

time_analysis command syntax:
time_analysis {[-i | --input-dir] *dir*}

where dir is the directory where the log files are located.

Example: Profile and Test PageRank

  1. Create the credential.json file as instructed above.

  2. Configure the setup.json file as instructed above.

  3. Configure the control.json file as instructed above.

  4. Create and initialize a hdfs cluster with 5 nodes:

    $ python3 xSpark_bench.py setup hdfs -n 5

  5. Create and initialize a spark cluster with 5 nodes:

    $ python3 xSpark_bench.py setup spark -n 5

  6. Create experiment.json file with the the following contents:

    { "Deadline": 148080, "BenchmarkName": "PageRank", "BenchmarkConf": { "NumOfPartitions": 1000, "NumV": 35000000, "Mu": 3.0, "Sigma": 0.0, "MaxIterations": 1, "NumTrials": 1
    } }

  7. Run the Profiling with 6 iterations:

    $ python3 xSpark_bench.py profile experiment.json -r 6 -R

  8. Run the Benchmark Test with 5 iterations:

    $ python3 xSpark_bench.py submit experiment.json -r 5 -R


  • complete this file with installation instructions for AWS
  • clean-up code