Implementation for Potentially Idiomatic Expression Representation (PIER) model

Primary LanguagePython


Implementation for Potentially Idiomatic Expression Representation (PIER) model


This repo contains the implementation for the Potentially Idiomatic Expression Representation (PIER) model from the paper: Unified Representation for Non-compositional and Compositional Expressions.

The paper is published in EMNLP2023 Findings. Please refer to the paper for more details.

Getting Started


We recommend running the model training and evaluation in a Python virtual environment.
The dependencies and required packages are listed in requirements.txt.

Note that though our work utilized AdapterHub's adapter implementation. We maintain a local copy of the AdapterHub source code in which we additionally implemented the Fusion module. Hence, AdapterHub is not part of the requirements.


To run the model training and evaluation, supporting data (e.g., feature maps, training data, etc.) must be downloaded and place to the proper locations.

Please download data and put them into the following two directories:

  • ./data: Download and extract data from here.
  • ./fusion_analysis: Download and extract data from here.

Model Checkpoints

PIER model utilizes pretrained GIEA model checkpoint as part of its architecture. So, before training the PIER model, you need to download the GIEA's checkpoints.

  • GIEA model checkpoints: download link.
  • Extract the checkpoint and place it under the direction: ./checkpoints/bart-adapters_non-compositional_magpie_random-GIEA

We also provide our the checkpoints of best-performing model from the paper, PIER+. Download the trained checkpoint and you can perform IE embedding and PIER+ intrinsic evaluation directly without having to train the model yourself.

  • PIER model checkpoints: download link.
  • Extract the checkpoint and place it under the direction: ./checkpoints/bart-adapters_fusion_magpie_random-PIER

Key Components

PIER model

The PIER+ model is implemented in the BartAdapterCombined class at src/model/bart_adapters.py

The PIER model used for NLU classification tasks (i.e., paraphrase identification and sentiment classification) is implemented in the BartAdapterCombinedCLS class at src/model/bart_adapters.py

Downstream classifiers

The classifier for the extrainsic evaluations (i.e., idiom processing tasks and NLU classification tasks) are implemented in the following locations:

  • IE sense classification (SenseCLF): ./src/classifiers/literal_idiom_classifier.py
  • PIE span detection (SpanDET): ./src_idiom_detect/model/bilstm.py
  • Sentiment classification (SentCLF): ./src/classifiers/sentiment_classifier.py
  • Paraphrase identification (ParaID): ./src/classifiers/paraphrase_identifier.py

Model Training

To follow the paper, we first train the PIER+ model and then we train a classifier for each of the downstream applications.

Training PIER model

To train the PIER model:

  1. Set the configuration in config.py
    • The setting here includes the name for the checkpoints, data path (already set), and common training configs, e.g., batch size and number of epochs. Please refer to the paper for the exact settings that the PIER+ used.
  2. Run train_pier_model.py

Note that a trained PIER+ checkpoint is provided here. Download the checkpoint here directly to avoid training.

Training downstream classifiers

Similar to training the PIER model, first we need to set configuration appropriately in config.py. Please refer to the comments in the file for more details.

The training entrypoints for the downstream classifiers are the following:

  • IE sense classification (SenseCLF): ./train_cls_model.py
  • PIE span detection (SpanDET): ./train_det_model.py
  • Sentiment classification (SentCLF): ./train_sc_model.py
  • Paraphrase identification (ParaID): ./train_pi_model.py

Model Evaluation

Intrinsic evaluations

With a trained PIER+ checkpoint (newly trained or downloaded), we can perform the intrinsic evaluation as described in the paper.

  1. Generate the PIE embeddings
    • Run EVALUATION_PIER_Embedding_Generation.ipynb to generate the PIE embeddings with the trained PIER+ model.
    • The script also allows the exploration of the similar IEs in the PIER+'s embedding space.
  2. Compute the H-Score and CosDist score.
    • Run EVALUATION_Intrinsic_H-score_and_CosDist.ipynb
    • This script will read the IE meaning groups and then run clustering to compute the H-score and CosDist score.
  3. Compute the DiffSim score.
    • Run EVALUATION_Intrinsic_DiffSim.ipynb
    • This script will generate both literal and idiomatic PIE embeddings wih the PIER+ model and then compute the DiffSIm scores.

Please refer to the paper for more details on the Intrinsic evaluations.

Extrinsic evaluations

Once the downstream classifiers are trained, run the following scripts to gather the extrinsic evaluation results.

  • IE sense classification (SenseCLF): ./EVALUATION_IdiomaticLiteralClassification.ipynb
  • PIE span detection (SpanDET): ./EVALUATION_SpanDetection.ipynb
  • Sentiment classification (SentCLF): ./EVALUATION_SentimentClassification.ipynb
  • Paraphrase identification (ParaID): ./EVALUATION_ParaphraseIdentification.ipynb


Ziheng Zeng (zzeng13@illinois.edu)

Version History

  • 0.2
    • Added evaluation example for intrinsic evaluations.
    • Added online storage location for data and checkpoints.
  • 0.1
    • Initial Release


This project is licensed under the MIT License.