
A Java Project

Primary LanguageHTML

Bookstore Storage Management System

Objective: To develop a comprehensive and efficient Bookstore Storage Management system that caters to the needs of both managerial and basic user roles, ensuring proper access control and real-time tracking of inventory.

Video Illustration


Technological Stack:

  1. Frontend: LayUI for rapid and responsive UI development. LayUI is also super useful for form display.
  2. Backend: Java Spring Boot, providing a robust and scalable foundation for the application's backend services.
  3. Data Persistence Layer: MyBatis-Plus for efficient database operations.
  4. Database: MySQL, offering a reliable and widely-used relational database system.
  5. Security: Shiro, a robust security framework.

Team Composition: Solo Project - Meiyu Zhang

Functionalities & Features:

  1. User Authentication:
    • Allow users to securely login using their account name and password.
    • Implementation of Shiro to ensure security.
  2. User Role Management:
    • Super Administrator :
      • Has the authority to add, delete, or modify user information.
      • Complete access to all system functionalities.
      • Can manage warehouse inventory, which includes adding, deleting, modifying quantity, renaming items.
    • Guest:
      • Can view all the books and its storages info.
  3. Inventory Management:
    • Search functionality to quickly locate items in different categories in the bookstore.
    • Various parameters like item type, quantity, date added, etc.
  4. User Management:
    • Search functionality to quickly locate user by its username
    • Various parameters like item type, quantity, price etc.
  5. UI/UX:
    • Using LayUI for quick and intuitive interface development.
    • Ensure a mobile-responsive design for accessibility on various devices.