- angusshireUC Berkeley
- azimutArgentina
- bluesky020625
- co-danGroningen
- createuniverses
- cviejo
- DashWUnited Kingdom
- davebrentGraphcore
- diegoMontesinos
- egasimus
- ghalestrilo
- ghosthamletThe Rest Is Silence of Code
- ImpossibleUnity Technologies
- jobez
- konfouStarfleet Academy
- leinadlimeInfinity Labs
- LordAlbiorGood Dog Games
- maciejjankowskiPoland
- metric-space@arcee-ai
- montrealpubcrawl
- nathanscott7
- Noisk8@platohedro
- OwenSSH
- pce1991
- pulcheri
- regaladysPhilippines
- retroschlampeBesançon France
- sergiBarcelona
- shabesoglu@BlueOwlDev
- shamansir@JetBrains GmbH
- steinuilItaly
- themoepVienna
- wolf96Tencent
- xuv@ThoughtWorks
- zmughalWashington, D.C. - Baltimore, Maryland area, United States of America, Earth, Galactic Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha
- zzktFoAM