Reddit Clone API

Routes 🔚

Registration / Authorization 👤

  • POST api/users/ - Register User.
Example body:
	"username": "John",
	"email": "",
	"password": "password",
Returns JWT token as cookie (httpOnly)
  • POST /api/auth/ - Login User.
Example body:
	"email": "",
	"password": "password"
Returns JWT token as cookie (httpOnly)
  • GET api/users/me - Get current logged user information.
  • GET api/users/:id - Get user information by id.
  • GET api/users/logout - Logout.

Posts 📄

  • GET api/posts/ - If user is authenticated, get posts from joined communities, else get posts from every community.
  • GET api/posts/:id - Get post by id.
  • POST api/posts/ - Add new post.
Example body:
	"title": "Post title",
	"body": "post body should be at least 10 characters long",
	"image": "image link",
	"postedTo": "60118b873262f7bc6d1d33e0", // target community id
	"votes": 0
Example response:
	"postedAt": "03-02-2021 7:05",
	"_id": "601ac39825644d90b1f23fbd", // post id
	"title": "Post title", 
	"body": "post body should be at least 10 characters long",
	"image": "image link",
	"postedTo": "60118b873262f7bc6d1d33e0", // community id
	"votes": 0,
	"postedBy": "601ac04225644d90b1f23fbc" // user id
  • POST - api/post/:id/action
Example body:
	"action": "like" // Like Post
	"action": "unlike" // Unlike Post

Community 👥

  • GET /api/community/ - Returns all communities.
  • GET /api/community/:id - Returns community by given id.
  • POST /api/community/ - Create New Community
Example body:
	"name": "community name",
	"description": "community description",
	"image": "community image link"
Example response:
    "members": [
        "601ac04225644d90b1f23fbc" // user who created community.
    "posts": [],
    "_id": "601ac67925644d90b1f23fbe", // community id
    "name": "community name",
    "description": "community description",
    "image": "community image link"
  • POST api/community/:id/join - Join in community.

Upcoming updates 🌱

  • Comments on post
  • Share post
  • Save post
  • Private communities