

Primary LanguageRuby


Travis Build Status


  • Ruby 2.1.2
    • bundler
    • foreman
  • Postgres 9.3.4
  • redis
  • leiningen

Installing dependencies on OS X using rvm, Homebrew, and Postgres.app

We recommend Postgres.app if you're on OS X.

Ruby stuff using rvm:

$ rvm get head
$ rvm install ruby-2.1.2
$ rvm use ruby-2.1.2
$ gem install bundler
$ gem install foreman

Leiningen and redis using Homebrew:

$ brew update
$ brew install leiningen
$ brew install redis
# follow the printed instructions to have redis start automatically on boot


We use foreman which sets environment variables from a .env file. We don't check this into version control because it contains secret information. Here is a sample .env file to get you started:




# If you want to develop against a local copy of the Hacker School API, add:

# If you want to import accounts from Hacker School
# (You won't be able to do this unless you are Hacker School faculty)

# Needed for batch mail sending in production

To generate a Hacker School client id and secret, go to your Hacker School settings page and make a new OAuth app. The redirect url should be http://localhost:5001/login/complete (or your development host name if you don't develop off of localhost).

Running the code

The first time you run the code, install necessary gems and set up your database.

$ bundle
$ bin/rake db:setup

After that, start your development server and start building the client JS.

$ foreman start

# In another terminal:
$ cd client
$ lein cljsbuild auto

Running the production ClojureScript

The production client code will sometimes function differently than the development code. This can happen when you forget to add externs for a library you are calling, or if lein cljsbuild auto randomly makes a bad client. Because of this, we should test the production client before deploying. To do that, you can set CLIENT_ENV to production and run Foreman. If you don't set CLIENT_ENV, it defaults to the Rails environment.

$ CLIENT_ENV=production foreman start

Where is db/schema.rb?

Look at db/structure.sql instead. We use this because it supports Postgres views.

Client testing

We use a small ClojureScript wrapper over Jasmine for testing our client. If you're running lein cljsbuild auto (as above), the client tests will be built automatically.

To run the client tests:

$ bin/rake jasmine
# Navigate to localhost:8888 to run the tests.
# Refresh the page to re-run the tests.

Getting a ClojureScript REPL up and running

Community supports a ClojureScript REPL so long as you're running the development build. To connect, start an nREPL server and connect to it using your preferred client. If you're using Emacs, that probably means cider. If you're using Vim, that probably means vim-fireplace. Otherwise, cd into client and run lein repl.

Once in the REPL:

user=> (browser-repl)
<< started Weasel server on ws:// >>
Type `:cljs/quit` to stop the ClojureScript REPL

Open your dev site and run the following in the JS console:

// if successful, you'll see "Opened Websocket REPL connection" printed

Back in your ClojureScript REPL:

cljs.user=> (js/alert "hello, browser!")


Copyright © 2014 Hacker School

This software is licensed under the terms of the AGPL, Version 3. The complete license can be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html.