
A short python code to fix a issue that could cause brightness loss in gradient colorizing.

Primary LanguagePython


A short python code to fix a issue that could cause brightness loss in gradient colorizing.


How to achieve same effect in Photoshop

Sadly I do not think there is a simple way to achieve that in Photoshop. But the following steps could achieve a similar result:

  1. In Hue/Saturation, set the Saturation and Lightness of Reds, Greens, and Blues to 60 or even higher.
  2. Set the Saturation and Lightness of Yellows, Cyans, and Magentas to half the values as Reds, Greens, and Blues.
  3. Adjust the Saturation and Lightness of Master until you feel comfortable.



  1. 在色相饱和度里把红绿蓝的饱和度和明度调高至60甚至更高;
  2. 同样在色相饱和度里,把黄色青色和洋红的饱和度和明度调高到大概是红绿蓝的一半;
  3. 调整全图的饱和度和明度,直到满意为止。
