
Initial structure

  • 595,037 documents
  • article : id | url | title | kicker | author | published_date | contents | type | sourse
    • contents
      • (None)
      • kicker : a section header indicating the publication category,irrelevant if is one of "Opinion", "Letters to the Editor","The Post's View"
      • title
      • image : image URL and full caption
      • byline : by + author(s)
      • paragraph : plain (text) | html (with html style < …… >)
      • (author_info)
    • type : 'article' / 'blog'
    • sourse : 'The Washington Post'

Data cleaning

  • remove irrelevant article according to kicker
  • remove ['type'] ,['sourse'] rom article
  • remove [byline] ,[title] ,[author_info] ,[image] from contents if exist
  • remove empty content from contents
  • remove html code from content
  • group contents into an article (plain text)

After cleaning

  • 571,963 docs remained
  • article : id | url | title | kicker | author | date | contents(long string)



  1. insert:id + other parts
  2. topics : BeautifulSoup --> id + num
  3. source article : id in ES
  4. search : title and 10 keywords(Rake) respectively
  5. sort : score normalization --> weighted(from Rake) sum


nearly irrelevant


  • Dataset

    • relevant:2018 relevance judgments,labels:0-16
    • irrelevant : add 10000 random sample,labels:-1
  • Processor

    • id——>text