
Updated by Zhuoran Zheng.

♥ denotes a very hot project.


Under-Display-Camera: A survey on Under-Display-Camera. Papers, codes and datasets are maintained.

Image Quality Metrics

  • PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio) code paper

  • SSIM (Structural Similarity) code paper

  • NIQE (Naturalness Image Quality Evaluator) code paper





  • LRDif: Diffusion Models for Under-Display Camera Emotion Recognition paper


  • UDC-SIT: A Real-World Dataset for Under-Display Cameras paper
  • Under-Display Camera Image Restoration with Scattering Effect paper
  • Designing Phase Masks for Under-Display Cameras paper
  • FSI: Frequency and Spatial Interactive Learning for Image Restoration in Under-Display Cameras paper
  • Deep Video Restoration for Under-Display Camera paper
  • Under-Display Camera Image Restoration with Scattering Effect paper
  • Blind Face Restoration for Under-Display Camera via Dictionary Guided Transformer paper
  • Dual-Domain Network for Restoring Images from Under-Display Cameras (best poster paper) paper
  • Image Restoration via UAVFormer for Under-Display Camera of UAV paper
  • Generating Aligned Pseudo-Supervision from Non-Aligned Data for Image Restoration in Under-Display Camera paper
  • Lightweight Neural Network for Enhancing Imaging Performance of Under-Display Camera paper
  • Perceptual Image Enhancement for Smartphone Real-Time Applications paper


  • Enhanced Coarse-to-Fine Network for Image Restoration from Under-Display Cameras paper
  • MIPI 2022 Challenge on Under-Display Camera Image Restoration: Methods and Results paper
  • Synthetic Dataset for Improving UDC Video Restoration Network Performance paper
  • Cascaded Curve Estimation paper
  • BNUDC paper
  • UDC-UAV paper ♥ The dataset and checkpoint have been updated!
  • Modular Degradation Simulation and Restoration for Under-Display Camera paper


  • Image restoration for under-display camera paper
  • Under display camera quad bayer raw image restoration using deep learning paper
  • Fast Image Restoration and Glare Removal for Under-Display Camera by Guided Filter paper
  • Diffraction Simulation of Camera Under LCD Considering the Influence of Liquid-Crystal Phase Modulation paper
  • Designing Display Pixel Layouts for Under-Panel Cameras paper
  • Residual Dilated U-Net with Spatially Adaptive Normalization for the Restoration of Under Display Camera Images paper
  • Removing Diffraction Image Artifacts in Under-Display Camera via Dynamic Skip Connection Network paper
  • Controllable Image Restoration for Under-Display Camera in Smartphones paper
  • Quantitative Image Quality Evaluation Method for UDC (Under Display Camera) paper
  • ISP-Agnostic Image Reconstruction for Under-Display Cameras paper


  • Transform Domain Pyramidal Dilated Convolution Networks for Restoration of Under Display Camera Images paper
  • Deep Atrous Guided Filter for Image Restoration in Under Display Cameras paper
  • Residual and Dense UNet for Under-Display Camera Restoration paper

Github project

  • MPGNet code
  • Flare7K++ code
  • UDC-Baseline code
  • BNUDC code
  • Deep-atrous-guided-filter code
  • PDCRN architecture for Under-display camera image restoration code
  • UDC-UAV code


  • _Real-world Computer Vision from Inputs with Limited Quality project


Thanks to Xiang Chen Email and the IDAM Website for supporting this project.

Mobile Phones

  • 中兴天机 Axon 20 5G
  • 小米 MIX 4
  • 摩托罗拉 edgeX30


If you have any question, please feel free to contact Zhuoran Zheng (Email: zhengzr@njust.edu.cn).