
How to implement simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for vehicles driving on rough, off-highway terrains. Demonstrated using a recorded ROS bag of lidar and IMU data.


​​Perform SLAM on Rough Terrains ​


​​This tutorial is a part of the MathWorks Autonomous Construction Vehicle deep dive video series. This tutorial covers how to implement simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for vehicles driving on rough, off-highway terrains. It includes a pre-recorded ROSbag of 3D lidar and motion data from a vehicle driving in a simulated construction site, and a sequence of steps to tune the parameters in the SLAM algorithm provided in Navigation Toolbox for improved results. ​


Download the entire folder, and run PerformSLAMOnRoughTerrains.mlx

Users are also encouraged to change any parameters in the script to test varations of this demo.

MathWorks Products Required (http://www.mathworks.com)

Requires MATLAB release R2022b or newer. Before proceeding, ensure that the below products are installed:

MATLAB® Navigation Toolbox® ROS Toolbox® Lidar Toolbox®

Authors and acknowledgment

This demo is created by Dr. Bo Jiang, a MathWorks Engineer as part of the Autonomous Construction Vehicle Webinar(https://www.mathworks.com/videos/design-and-simulating-autonomy-for-construction-vehicles-1679066541903.html)


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