
How many episodes does it take to get peak performance?

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Just curious do I have to go through all 200 training episodes to get the reproduced metric? It seems like each epoch will take half an hour for me.

Besides, may I know why the chamfer distance used in training is divided by 2?

Thanks for your help!

def chamfer_distance_numpy(array1, array2):
    batch_size, num_point, num_features = array1.shape
    dist = 0
    for i in range(batch_size):
        av_dist1 = array2samples_distance(array1[i], array2[i])
        av_dist2 = array2samples_distance(array2[i], array1[i])
        dist = dist + (0.5*av_dist1+0.5*av_dist2)/batch_size # why the chamfer distance used in training is divided by 2
    return dist*100

def chamfer_distance_numpy_test(array1, array2):
    batch_size, num_point, num_features = array1.shape
    dist_all = 0
    dist1 = 0
    dist2 = 0
    for i in range(batch_size):
        av_dist1 = array2samples_distance(array1[i], array2[i])
        av_dist2 = array2samples_distance(array2[i], array1[i])
        dist_all = dist_all + (av_dist1+av_dist2)/batch_size
        dist1 = dist1+av_dist1/batch_size
        dist2 = dist2+av_dist2/batch_size
    return dist_all, dist1, dist2

Hi, If you just want to test the code, 100 training episodes are enough. Actually, the complete code is distx0.5x100 = distx50. This is to control the ratio of CD and Adversarial Loss. It is not an important point. You can ignore it.

That makes sense to me. Thanks again!