We are going to build a website for the Anime Club in SWUFE. At present they do not have a website to present their achievement in all kinds of competitions, such as ChinaJoy, Animation Festival in western China. Because of a great demand of cosers(角色扮演者), they need a website to put their wanted ads. Besides, this website will be a very good platform to share anime resources. 

Outline or list of basic parts for the site and possible modules.
主页:Views collection
掠影:Presenting their achievement in all kinds of competitions
漫坛动态:Updating the latest news about the anime
活动与招新:Putting wanted ads and activity information
关于与田:Introdution of the club
论坛:A forum where users can discuss the themes they are interested in.
与田专区:A place where the members of this club can use the key to enroll a group(like the groups in language-corner).