
Drawer view controller that easy to use!

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Pod Version Pod Platform Pod License Swift

Drawer view controller that is easy to use!


CocoaPods (iOS 8+ projects)

KWDrawerController is available on CocoaPods. Add the following to your Podfile:

# Swift 3
pod 'KWDrawerController', '~> 3.7'

# Swift 4
pod 'KWDrawerController', '~> 4.1.6'
pod 'KWDrawerController/RxSwift'        # with RxSwift extension


Simply drag and drop the DrawerController folder into your existing project.



import UIKit

import KWDrawerController

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

    var window: UIWindow?

    func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
        let mainViewController   = MainViewController()
        let leftViewController   = LeftViewController()
        let rightViewController  = RightViewController()
        let drawerController     = DrawerController()

        drawerController.setViewController(mainViewController, .none)
        drawerController.setViewController(leftViewController, .left)
        drawerController.setViewController(rightViewController, .right)

        /// Customizing

        window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds)
        window?.rootViewController = drawerController

        return true



  1. Set DrawerController as the Custom Class of the Initial ViewController.

  2. Connect the DrawerEmbedLeftControllerSegue and/or the DrawerEmbedRightControllerSegue from DrawerController to your left/right controllers.

  3. Connect the DrawerEmbedMainControllerSegue from DrawerController to your main controller.

  4. Set the segue identifiers of both the inspector of DrawerController and the segues themselves.

Open / Close

/// Open

/// Close


optional func drawerDidAnimation(
    drawerController: DrawerController,
    side: DrawerSide,
    percentage: Float

optional func drawerDidBeganAnimation(
    drawerController: DrawerController,
    side: DrawerSide

optional func drawerWillFinishAnimation(
    drawerController: DrawerController,
    side: DrawerSide

optional func drawerWillCancelAnimation(
    drawerController: DrawerController,
    side: DrawerSide

optional func drawerDidFinishAnimation(
    drawerController: DrawerController,
    side: DrawerSide

optional func drawerDidCancelAnimation(
    drawerController: DrawerController,
    side: DrawerSide



DrawerTransition is a module that determines the rendering direction to move the Drawer. It is implemented by inheriting DrawerTransition.

  • DrawerSlideTransition


  • DrawerScaleTransition
    • Use is not recommended.
  • DrawerParallaxTransition


  • DrawerFloatTransition
    • When using the Transition, Overflow Transition should also use DrawerFloatTransition.


  • DrawerFoldTransition


  • DrawerSwingTransition


  • DrawerZoomTransition


Overflow Transition

Overflow Transition be used when Transition beyond the open range of the drawer.

  • DrawerSlideTransition
  • DrawerScaleTransition
    • This is natural when used with DrawerSlideTransition, DrwaerParallaxTransition, DrawerFoldTransition, and DrawerSwingTransition.


  • DrawerParallaxTransition
  • DrawerFloatTransition
    • When using the Overflow Transition, Transition should also use DrawerFloatTransition.
  • DrawerFoldTransition
    • Use is not recommended.
  • DrawerSwingTransition
    • Use is not recommended.
  • DrawerZoomTransition


Animator is a module that controls the speed of moving a drawer. It is implemented by inheriting DrawerAnimator or DrawerTickAnimator.

  • DrawerLinearAnimator
  • DrawerCurveEaseAnimator
  • DrawerSpringAnimator
  • DrawerCubicEaseAnimator
  • DrawerQuadEaseAnimator
  • DrawerQuartEaseAnimator
  • DrawerQuintEaseAnimator
  • DrawerCircEaseAnimator
  • DrawerExpoEaseAnimator
  • DrawerSineEaseAnimator
  • DrawerElasticEaseAnimator
  • DrawerBackEaseAnimator
  • DrawerBounceEaseAnimator


public var isTapToClose: Bool
public var isGesture: Bool
public var isAnimation: Bool
public var isOverflowAnimation: Bool
public var isShadow: Bool
public var isFadeScreen: Bool
public var isBlur: Bool
public var isEnable: Bool


  • 1.0 First Release.
  • 1.1 Bug Fix, Add animations.
  • 2.0 Refactoring.
  • 2.1 Bug Fix, Update animation.
  • 2.2 Fix animation, and some bugs.
  • 3.0 Written in Swift 3.0
  • 3.1 Fix Access Control issues on DrawerController.
  • 3.2 Fix Access Control issues on Transition.
  • 3.3 Fix Access Control issues on initializer.
  • 3.4 Remove debug log.
  • 3.5 Fixed bug where touch ignores is not applied for "Absolute Controller".
  • 3.6 Fixed an occurs issue while the drawer was open and layout changing.
  • 3.6.1 Fixed layout issue when rotate device.
  • 3.7 Fixed not updating issues on properties.
  • 4.0 Support Swift 4.
  • 4.1 Implement new flag that enables direction auto-switching.
  • 4.1.1 Support RxSwift(If you want).
  • 4.1.2
    • Fix issues on auto layout of child view controllers.
    • Replace naming.
    • Implement getViewController method.
    • Reduce cloning size.
  • 4.1.3
    • Fix crashed on load. (#12)
  • 4.1.4
    • Add state methods to delegate. (#16)
    • Fix access control issues. (#18)
    • Fixed DrawerFloatTransition bug. (#20)
    • DrawerController incorrectly manages lifecycles of child controllers. (#21 #22)
  • 4.1.5
    • Code and performance improvements and bug fixes. (#24 @rivera-ernesto)
  • 4.1.6
    • Fix transition bugs.
    • Fix gesture not working bugs.
    • Fix right drawer placement on iPads (#28 @rivera-ernesto)

⚠️ Requirements

  • iOS 8.0+
  • Swift 3.0+

🔑 License

KWDrawerController is under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.