
scripts for daily use

Primary LanguageShell


wallpaper set wallpaper for current workspace as image, hex value or wal color

wal-set expand wal colors to pecan, xanthia and pollen (requires sassc)

lyrics fetch song lyrics into terminal

note add to current notes file or print random line from random note file

palette print yr colors

battery echo current battery percentage

network echo current wi-fi network

down echo current download speed (requires Ifstat)

up echo current upload speed (requires Ifstat)

scr screenshot and notify (requires Xanthia)

togglebar toggle ubersicht and lastfm

darkmode toggle macos darkmode

lastfm notifies and displays artwork for current track (requires xanthia and jq)

x-to-json convert xresources colorschemes for use with pywal


aur notify if Arch updates are available

solidbg set wallpaper to solid colors and gradients using Wal colors

battery notify if battery is low