
Extend data url:

Folder data stores the data to construct the network and the data to stand for applications in paper.
Folder code stores the code to analysize the data.

If you use this data and/or code, please cite the following paper. Thanks!

Ting Chen, Yuxiao Zhu, Zihao Li, Jiachi Chen, Xiaoqi Li, Xiapu Luo,
Xiaodong Lin, Xiaosong Zhang, "Understanding Ethereum via Graph
Analysis", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer
Communications (INFOCOM), Honolulu, USA, April 2018.

Title = {Understanding Ethereum via Graph Analysis},
Author = {Ting Chen and Yuxiao Zhu and Zihao Li and Jiachi Chen and
Xiaoqi Li and Xiapu Luo and Xiaodong Lin and Xiaosong Zhang},
Booktitle = {Proc. INFOCOM},
Year = {2018}}