This guide outlines the process for transmitting key gauge metrics from Astra Streaming tenants to DataDog.
The procedure involves scraping Prometheus metrics on a per-tenant basis. To initiate this process, the following two environment variables must be set with the specific tenant scraping URL and JWT:
TARGET_URL: The URL for tenant-specific Prometheus scraping. PROMETHEUS_JWT_HEADER: The JWT header required for authentication. For further details on scraping Astra Streaming metrics, refer to the official documentation: Astra Streaming - Scraping Metrics.
Additionally, integration with DataDog requires setting up DataDog API and APP keys in your environment. Define these variables as follows:
DD_SITE: Set this to "". DD_API_KEY: Your unique DataDog API key. DD_APP_KEY: Your DataDog application key. For more information on submitting metrics to DataDog, visit the DataDog documentation: Submit Metrics to DataDog.
go build -o prom2dd -tags musl src/main.go
make container