- 1
Specific Value Filter generates additional Or clause
#181 opened by djfoxer - 6
EnableAllFilters() and DisableAllFilters() breaks conditionally enabled filters
#146 opened by mlyczek - 3
Filter with claim
#171 opened by papyr - 3
- 17
SqlQuery cannot be used inside of HistoryContext within a DbCommandtreeInterceptor, when using -SourceMigration:0
#153 opened by worthy7 - 3
- 1
Filter decoder
#179 opened by daud9 - 8
Issue occur when dynamic filter is applied on eager loading with many-to-many relationship entities for MySQL
#177 opened by Sankartest - 0
Issue with dynamic filter applied on eager loading with many-to-many relationship entities using MySQL
#176 opened by Sankartest - 4
- 16
[Oracle EF] Added Dynamic Filter to existing table
#150 opened by KennyEng12 - 2
Compile error with package reference
#173 opened by jansohn - 6
- 11
Why filters should come last in the model creation?
#170 opened by julealgon - 6
- 2
Problem creating Filter
#167 opened by javigodoy - 3
- 1
Cannot use a DBContext property in a condition for a dynamic filter. Value dosen't update after initial execution.
#166 opened by plemm98 - 23
- 1
IsFilterEnabled returns true for non-existent filter
#165 opened by jwcde - 6
Enum-of-byte is unnecessarily cast to int
#162 opened by TobiasMarklund - 1
- 2
EntityCommandCompilationException when using .Include() on class with subclass
#159 opened by jehhynes - 3
- 7
Support for EF 6.3 and netstandard
#156 opened by kosmonavtsv - 4
Filtered Navigation Property causes excessive Join for subsequent mapped properties
#152 opened by Kf-MarianBejenari - 1
[Oracle EF 6.2] System.MissingMethodException
#154 opened by dpescatore - 6
Include filtered entity on non filtered entity
#142 opened by timg83 - 2
- 2
Query with .Join() on filtered entities fails with invalid cast exception from MaterializedDataRecord to anonymous type
#147 opened by mlyczek - 1
How to exclude NULL values from filters
#144 opened by maelmahdy - 1
DisableFilter is not working
#140 opened by maelmahdy - 5
Create Filters with generic method
#141 opened by lastreload - 5
Does not work SKIP, TAKE and ORDER BY in queries without filtering, when DynamicFilter is used
#139 opened by dopusteam - 4
Set ApplyToChildProperties(false) depending if it's a child property from a type which I can define.
#138 opened by Aventrue - 2
Use Expression from Interface in filter
#137 opened by Aventrue - 3
- 9
Configure For Database/Model First
#133 opened by romainecarter - 3
Q about table attributes
#120 opened by NielsUll - 3
Unity/ Using Dependency Injection
#128 opened by s21-himesh - 2
Error with Enum in filter
#131 opened by VidVid - 7
- 2
- 9
Unable to create filter
#127 opened by tbrettallen - 2
Filter isn't removing the extra filtering
#124 opened by timalmond - 7
Any on child collection throws error
#122 opened by laureysruben - 4
InvalidOperationException: variable 'x' of type 'X' referenced from scope '', but it is not defined
#126 opened by icnocop - 2
Issue with Filter Options
#125 opened by s21-himesh - 6
System.NotImplementedException: AlterTableOperation
#123 opened by hoxcape - 4
Filtering on bi-directional 1:0-1 relationships
#121 opened by rhyskoedijk