
Runner-Reloader for development

Primary LanguagePython


Runner for development code.


.. code:: shell

    $ rr --help
    usage: rr [-h] [--interval INTERVAL] [--exclude EXCLUDE]

    Runner-Reloader for development

    positional arguments:
      command               command

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --interval INTERVAL, -i INTERVAL
                            interval for check
      --exclude EXCLUDE, -e EXCLUDE
                            exclude pattern
                            loglevel for rr


.. code:: shell

    $ rr --interval=10 my-app serve --listen=

This command launch ``my-app serve --listen=``
and scan current directory for changed files every ten seconds.
If some files was changed, application authomatically restarted.

This is usable for *development* docker containers.


The process rr receives a signal SIGUSR1 for starting reload process.


.. code:: shell

    $ pip install rr


File ``.rr`` in current directory parsed for settings.
rr uses the `zini <https://github.com/zzzsochi/zini>`_ library for this.

:command: command for run
:interval: interval between scan directory
:exclude: list of excluded directories for scan
:loglevel: `loglevel <https://docs.python.org/3/howto/logging.html#logging-levels>`_ for rr

Command line arguments has a higher priority than settings.

For example:

.. code:: ini

    command = 'ping'
    interval = 5s
    loglevel = 'DEBUG'
    exclude =