
hccap/hccapx converter

Primary LanguagePython

1.Why do I need this?

You are, if it's necessary to find AP's (which uses WPA authentication method) password with the help of hashcat, if you have only WPA half-handshake. Conversion to hccap format would be suitable for using hashcat_3.0, transformation from hccap to hccapx is for hashcat_3.6.0 users.

2.Install requirements.

Python3 only. You are to install the pcapfile module (via pip or by any other convenient way for you) to guarantee the correct work of the tool. Ex.:

pip install pypcapfile

3.Tool's abilities and properties.

Format conversion:

  • cap -> hccap (usage: python converter.py input.cap hccap / python converter.py input.cap hccap essid)
  • cap -> hccapx (usage: python converter.py input.cap hccapx / python converter.py input.cap hccapx essid)
  • hccap -> hccapx (usage: python converter.py input.hccap hccapx)


So you have the network dump such as following


Then you launch the converter as following:

C:/.../python.exe converter.py dump.cap hccap

The tool will gen file with name such as handshake_essid_smth.hccap (e.g. handshake_LOL_1501068275.2922.hccap). Then you are to run the hashcat:

hashcat64.exe -d 1 -a 0 -m 2500 handshake_LOL_1501068275.2922.hccap rockyou.txt

