In this repository, I try to perform a mainnet fork and then simulate popular smart contract exploits on various DEFI Protocols using Hardhat Framework.
- 0x0918NanJing
- 0xBronko
- a6du1h4qHyderabad
- albincsergoBudapest, HU
- alvaroserrranoSpain, Madrid
- amanuskTxPool
- bcoby
- BombbomHCM City
- chirag-bgh@create-protocol @starkpay-labs
- ChristianOGB@MobulaFi
- CosinhsChina
- craigjr
- dezcalimese
- edamigod
- erhant@firstbatchxyz
- furbygaete
- HAOYUatHZ@scroll-tech @fluidex @ZenGo-X
- JayOnChain
- joc-rgbMalaysia
- k0zyX
- MatrixA
- nanaao
- pancke
- paulatsydney
- phongle12300
- scottliyqShanghai, China
- ShaunLWMCake DeFi
- shivansh2310
- sidduHEREIndia
- tais9Seoul, Korea
- vikrant1708
- yusufbehzat
- zachroofsec@SecuringTheStack
- zaif3r
- ZeroEkkusu@0xPolygon Labs