
Ghidra loader module for the Mobicore trustlet and driver binaries

Primary LanguageJava

fix some bug when bulild for ghidra 11.0


A Ghidra loader module for the MobiCore Loadable Format (MCLF) used by trustlet and driver binaries.


Copy the ZIP file from the dist/ to the GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR/Extensions/Ghidra directory and install the module from the File > Install extensions... menu on the main screen.


Set the GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR environment variable and run gradle.

cd DIR ; gradle -PGHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR=D:\Android\ghidra_11.0_PUBLIC


TA format: 
MDT: https://github.com/laginimaineb/unify_trustlet
MCLF: this loader
OP-TEE based: remove custom heaers, remain ELF file

file extensions: .tabin, .tlbin, .mbin, .ta, .sec
probably path: /mnt/vendor/persist/mcRegistry/, /vendor/app/mcRegistry/, /system/app/mcRegistry/
