- 170928Seoul
- abhshkdzFAIR, Meta AI
- achaiah
- afterall204168
- BmithbsHong Kong
- BretLili
- cfwin
- ChengFangJuan
- chenming-1
- EcustBoystudent
- EEvinciZhejiang University City College
- emanuelepesceItaly
- ethanfetaya
- eugenewareClickVideo
- flrgsrTokyo
- foxdrop001
- georgewanglz2019
- kevinniechen8VC
- listenerkyy
- LXXXXRHong Kong University of Science and Technology
- magnordStockholm, Sweden
- mgilgamesh
- MykhaiIo
- nanxintinHuawei Noah's Ark Lab
- ohoneyd
- pranz24
- ptigasUniversity of Oxford
- Rex18lf
- saiyuhang123Changchun University of Technology
- shengwenliang
- shukobFunnelSphere Inc. / Univ. of Tokyo
- Skid000
- SunnyEm
- taesiriPlanet Mars
- tesatoryNew York University
- tranhoangkhuongvn